Monday, 30 March 2009

One Month

Okay, one more month to go. I've cleared my backlogs, packed my supplies, horse is saddled, guns are loaded, and I'm itching to be back in the saddle. Time to leave one chapter behind, and open a new one. It's been a long rest, time to saddle up.

Last week or so has been busy. I've managed to clear up most, if not all, of my backlog. I'm officially registered in Temasek, I've finally gotten my NS deferment approved, and I've re-modeled the interior of my bedroom. Not too bad for one week.

I wonder about what will happen when I go back to school. I do hope it will be a different, rather than indifferent, start. I've learned from bitter experience what an indifferent start can do, so I resolve to start much better, and much happier. I also hope they don't ask me to buy a laptop. I love my old one too much. I will upgrade if necessary, but no new ones please.

Now, moving on to different topics. My dad had a little piece of advice for me...keep my head down. Under the radar. In the background. Behind the scenes. In other words, avoid airing my controversial topics on trivial topics like race, religion, rights and freedoms, censorship, music, movies, politics, war, and so on. Ah nuts. There go my plans to turn establishment on its head, subvert the dominant paradigm, and cause anarchy in the UK! Wait, we ain't in the UK. Rats, foiled again!

My dratted cough is back again. Bleeding thing just won't die, will it? And to compound matters, it's a dry cough. The irritating one that just won't go away. Keeps me awake at night, stops me from running far without stopping to cough my brains out. Lovely.

Speaking of running, I'm going back to swimming. Anybody wants to join me? I've got nothing to do these days. Absolutely nothing. If anything's happening, call me, yeah? Thanks, guys and girls. I'm off to roast some meat!

PS. How's the new playlist? Comments/Criticisms are welcome.

Saturday, 14 March 2009

If The Train's Late

What happens if your train's late? Nothing, I guess. the train arrives when it arrives. Story of my February, really. Nothing really happened, til right at the end. And then, when you're expecting to cop a break, sit down and catch some shuteye, your train's right there. Blink, and you miss it.

It's been a good end of the month, though. SK2 Party was excellent. A little rushed, perhaps, but we pulled it off perfectly. Perhaps the only downside was that I may have made too much food. Still, better surplus than lack, right? Thank God for all the guests. And that was only February...

March has been even better. First piece of good new? I'm in TP! I have been offered and accepted a place in the Communications and Media Management (aka Mass Comm) course! It ain't exactly what I planned, but I will take it. Back to school in April!

Finally managed to make it to a class gathering. 4S1 Class of 2007...still as perverted and mischievous as ever. We all seem to get on much better now. Except for hairstyles, height, and build, we are still the major personality changes, no deaths or hospitalizations...I'd call that a pretty good ride so far.

Last bit of good news for this post. Free Lunch! Yeah, I actually got a free lunch. Yesterday the family went to a place owned by a friend of my dad's, called Greenwood Fish Market & Bistro. The owner's name is David, and he's a friend of the family. Anyway, he invited us to the re-opening of the restaurant, and they've added a bakery to it! Great place, fresh sashimi, fresh oysters, so on and so forth. (You guessed it, their specialty is seafood.) I definitely recommend it. Menu's a tad pricey, but for quality of that sort, I don't really mind.

Okay, holidays are running their course for everyone. I must plan at least one food raid with the Band of Brothers. Oh, and download more stuff! I'm still addicted to piracy, and will be for some time. so the RIAA, the big-time producers and the rest can shove it, with their respect copyright law crap. To hell with that, I want my free stuff!

So, my to-do list. Plan a raid, play games, exercise more, have fun. Sounds do-able. Oh, and long term, find enough courage to tell her I like her. Yep, definitely do-able. That's all, folks!