Wednesday, 29 April 2009

15 Words

Interesting tutorial today. Graphic Design Fundamentals it may be, but it was much more fun than the name suggests. Oh yeah, and I still can't draw for nuts. Well, I can learn, I guess. Also, I need to remember to watch the cussing during presentations. That might've lost me points. Alas for the spilt milk!

Objective? 15 self-descriptive adjectives. Here are mine. Feel free to comment, critique, and add you own. All responses are welcome.

  1. Sarcastic
  2. Cynical
  3. Strong
  4. Divisive
  5. Loyal
  6. Loud
  7. Rough
  8. Passionate
  9. Old-School
  10. Hopeful
  11. Musical
  12. Patriotic
  13. Bold
  14. Deep
  15. Footloose
That's me. Next time I do that I will add quotes, figures and ideas that represent those words. Also, I'm considering replacing some words, with things like brash, reckless, headstrong, stubborn and foolhardy.

Note to self: PACEsetters application due tomorrow.

Monday, 27 April 2009

Journals And Journalism

I like being the last one awake. It's quiet. Everyone's asleep. Just me and my thoughts. The stillness lets me gather them. All I need is a good drink to keep me awake. Excuse me while I hunt for my soda.

That's better. Now for the serious article. Today has been fun, a little tiring, and all-around interesting. I liked how it ended the most. APEL class was enjoyable, and it got me thinking about comfort zones. I guess we all have our own comfort zones, and yes, it is extremely difficult to get off my ass and move, but that's what life's all about. No fun if you don't risk anything, right?

Next class, Marketing 1, and here the problems started. Okay, I'm in a new group again, and I like half of em. Sad state of affairs, no? But anyway, here's how I got myself into that mess.

We were supposed to form project groups. Five or six per group. For some inexplicable reason, I invited the two repeats to join us. Dammit, I should've known better. To Adam and Christel, I'm sorry for the bad call, and I am willing to cover extra if they lag a little. But I won't do their work for them.

How do I always get myself into these problems?

Sunday, 26 April 2009

Far Gone, More Ahead

I took a few hours on Saturday to look back once again, and remember where I was this time last year. Big difference, and it's very welcome. I must always remember to avoid repeating old mistakes. Bit of a mouthful, but it's true. I can't change my past without a time machine, but I sure as hell can learn from it. So, I thank all those who have walked through the halls of my life, if even for a split second. You've all been part of the learning process, you've taught me something important, and you've kept me sane (well, nearly sane).

CMM rocks! Alright, so there might be a ton of required reading, and challenges like Essential Graphics, but hey, what's life without challenges, eh? Oh, anybody mind giving me a crash course on graphic design and art?

Class outing didn't happen. Oh well, shit happens. It's how you deal with it, that defines you. I choose to be nice about it. Admittedly, it was spontaneously planned, so I shouldn't have expected more than a lukewarm response. Still, I hope we can go out as a class sometime this few weeks. The idea is that if we are a tight-knit unit, we will have no problems working together in different groups for our projects. Also, I'd rather we all start off as friends.

I need to do a few things this week and next. I have a few bills to settle, choose which cover I will use for my laptop, purchase a bokken or two, restring my classical, purchase textbooks, and catch the peninsula plaza shops when they are open. I need one or two more buckles. Other than that, I've got school. Yeah, I'm not as free as I was, but not yet at the busy busy busy kind of juncture. Life's lovely.

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Class In Session

Well, I survived my first class day unscathed. Excellent! So far, journalism looks the most interesting of the modules. Maybe it's because the teacher is a fat happy bloke who gambles, swears, drinks and smokes. Or maybe it's just me. The Graphics teacher is a little scary....stickler for discipline, she is. Still, I suppose that's a good thing.

I need art supplies! Yeah, I thought I wouldn't need any more color pencils.....oh well. WJ suggested Art Friend, so I'll probably go down on Saturday. Anyone wanna come? We can try getting some discounts!

Class outing set for Thursday. Yes, we do have another free day this week. What are the odds of that? Anyway, I think it would be better for the outing to be this week, rather than next week during the Labor Day holiday. Everywhere is sure to be crowded during that long weekend. For some reason, I'm much more enthusiastic about class spirit than usual. That's a good thing, right? Back to the topic, our options are bowling, a movie, ECP, Sentosa, hanging around town, a barbecue, Pasir Ris Park, or a Sakae raid (No prizes for guessing who suggested that.) We vote on the issue at 3. Oh, today's CCA day. Should I sign up with something, or stay under radar for now? We shall see...

For now, that's it from me. Updates when I update! =)

Monday, 20 April 2009

Burns And Patches

Three days since orientation finished. I'm sunburned, unfortunately. Also, I've got a patch on my arm from where the fake tattoo was. Ah nuts. Hopefully I won't look like a right idiot come Tuesday.

Day 2 was fun. I learned more about my class, course, lecturers, and schedule. Y'know, I didn't have class today. No kidding! No tutorials the first week of class, except Friday, and that's to make up for Labor Day. Lucky, ain't I? Yes Bryan, you hate my guts. Sorry bud, but that's the way the cookie crumbled. No hard feelings, eh?

Spent most of Saturday and Sunday recovering from the sunburn. Also sent the router in for servicing. If I don't configure the next one, my downloads will not connect. Great, just lovely. Brilliant, even. Damn thing.

Monday.......ah, Monday. My last remaining vacation day for a week. And what do I do with it? I spend it shopping. Go me! Walk up and down North Bridge and Orchard, and end up with two new belt buckles, and a reserve order for another one. Since my clothes are kinda low-key compared to others, I guess my standout options are limited to accessories and shoes. And maybe my jackets, if I can get my hands on a leather jacket. Hopefully, one that doesn't have a lot of pockets, and can fit on my shoulders. The one I tried had too many pockets, and wasn't cut broad enough for my shoulders. Oh well, I still have my maroon hood, my black alumni reversible, and my denim number. Maybe I should get some boots, a drover hat, a leather fedora, and a motorcycle as well. Okay, maybe not the motorcycle.

School's in tomorrow, and I get to see all my pals again. I must remember that this is my chance for a whole new start, at something I hope I'm good at, somewhere I like. So if I start complaining before next year, can you guys do me a favor and hassle me until I stop? Thanks, much appreciated.

PS. 1CO4, if you guys happen to stumble across my blog, please gimme a shoutout and link up!

Thursday, 16 April 2009

First Day Of The Rest Of My Life

Just got back from TP an hour ago. It's been a great day, in many ways. I'm finally back in school, my classmates rock, and my course is looking more and more interesting by the minute!

Got an early start today. Registration and all the minor details are not important. What is important, is the rest of the day. Sure, we started as all freshmen normally do, bored and wondering exactly how it is we got where we were. Still, I think we've all wound up good friends, or at least we will try to make the effort tomorrow, if we didn't today. Props go to Harold and Zul for making the conversations more interesting, Rachel for being such a nice dance partner(and not mentioning the fact that I still have two left feet!), and Jolene for being on the same bus as me, and saving me from a boring trip back home. Oh, and Leonard for being a co-anchor. To the rest of my class, 1CO4, your names will all be up as soon as I can get 'em. Link me, if you happen to stumble across my blog before I ask you. 1CO4 ROCKS!

A note to the wild bunch: All the girls are pretty awesome...nyah nyah. XD

Thursday, 2 April 2009

Free As A Bird


Yeah, idealistic, over-simplistic, and unrealistic. Still, something to hope for.

First imeem, then YouTube, now Project Playlist. Copyrights, legal restrictions, lawsuits pending, self-proclaimed police of the internet... Where did everyone's spine go? Damn the recording companies, media moguls, and all their ilk. Down with the fat cats! Off with their swollen, self-righteous heads!

There, that's better. Rant over. We have normalcy.