Sunday, 31 May 2009

Man. Monster. Mountain.

Yeah, yeah, so I drank two cups of foul-tasting sauce. Honestly, it's only bad at the bottom, where all the stuff settles. Still, it was funny to see everyone go loony over that. And, that proves I am the sickest person in the youth. Not sick as in cough and sneeze sick, but sick as in WICKED SICK!!! By the way, the sauce was vinegar, Tabasco and wasabi.

Let's see...put away around 15 dogs, still had space for dessert and some dim sum. Oh, and a burger when I got back home. Plus a can of root beer, and 2 1.5l bottles of water to flush the system. Yes, I AM a monster.

Discussed a sleepover with the 3IV bunch. Guests should not be more than twelve, I guess. Wonder who should Arthur invite?

A day to mid-terms. 2 papers, 2 hours, and freedom. Watch this space.

Thursday, 28 May 2009

Dogs And Deadlines

This is gonna be a short post. I've got piles of stuff to do, and not much time to do 'em. Once more, once more unto the brink!

Okay, just had one hell of an argument with my dad about the whole hot dog holocaust thing on Saturday. Granted, he has a point about unhealthiness and carcinogens, but sheesh! Can't he cut me some slack in this? Sure, the youth are gonna be their usual cheapskate skinflint selves, but what can we do? There's an inordinate amount of gluttons that we have, so should we buy proper, classy stuff for them to scoff? The blighters probably wouldn't appreciate such stuff. No point in casting pearls before...well, you get the general idea. That's why I'm rather cheesed off.

More deadlines. Oh well, school has always been about handling, coping and not going bloody spare. At least, that's what it always seemed to be about. Thank God for an awesome class! Without such fun people, I probably would have gone nuts. The fact that everybody seems to willingly accept each other's quirks and oddities is extremely encouraging. 1C04 Rocks!!!

Not to self: J1 IWA1 and MedSoc Proposal due tomorrow. Press on. Deus Vult!

Thursday, 21 May 2009

Flash Panache

Well, I guess I saw it coming. Graphic design ain't exactly my thing, and you might get a good design outta me once every few months. Guess what Ms Tay said is true...plenty of hard work and ideas, but basic, and simple artwork that lacks a focus. Still, I hope that my pitch may have at least helped me pass. I am at least proud of my pitch. Now to work out how to sell ice to Eskimos and sand to desert nomads. The complimentary color choice helped too. I wish I could've done better. Then again, my design ideas are a typical guy's, and I favor the old-school, which I make no apologies for.

Quote of the moment: "There's no school like the old school, and I'm the fuckin' 'eadmaster!"

But enough on that. Next deadlines: Journalism story and Med Soc proposal, Marketing journals due Friday. Okay, so I've started four and finished two, so another two more to go. I should get them done ASAP. So much to do, but I guess, enough time to do 'em.

EssGra tutorial later, and I'm still a little slow on the whole Illustrator thing. Skills test is next week, apparently, and I sure as shit don't wanna fail. Time to get outsider help! Failing that, textbook osmosis!

Sunday, 17 May 2009

The ISA Took My Baby Away

Where's a boxing gym near your house when you need one? Dime a dozen Stateside, but here, no, this is Singapore, sonny, we're nice people, we don't do boxing. So no way for me to blow off some steam by just hitting a bag repeatedly. Great. Where's a sparring partner when you really need one? Wait, did I scare 'em off?

I think the pace of school is picking up a little. I'm actually having to start reading the texts more, rather than rely on surface knowledge, smoke and mirrors. Speaking of smoke and mirrors, thank you ISD and Mr WKS for screwing me over so damn nicely. My hat's off to you folks. The day my story proposal is submitted, you geniuses take it upon yourselves to pour cold water all over it, by actually addressing the issues! Now I have to use my reserve, or get a new one. Bollocks.

Let's see, Journalism, Marketing and Graphics Design assignments due this week. And me without Adobe CS4. Then again, the Mac labs are free on Tuesday, maybe I should cut lectures and finish my work instead. It would be interesting, but hell of a risk. Also, I'm beginning to think my marketing journals are a load of crap. Call me perfectionist, but all of them seem to be too similar to each other, and each seems to be sticking on familiar turf, and not really exploring new grounds. Still, work is work, and deadlines are deadlines.

I want a leather jacket!