Tuesday, 19 October 2010

The End Is The Beginning

Alright, so I'm finally updating my blog... silly, eh? It's taken me a whole semester and a bit to get back to writing. But I have my reasons. First and foremost, last semester ran me off my feet. Literally. So much has happened in such a short time. But another chapter has closed, and I am left with the usual. Memories, laughs, a musing or two, new friends, and as always, a few regrets. Still, I am happy. At least until the next time I see a textbook, lecture notes or a timetable.

Okay, I'll start talking academics. This has probably been one of my favorite terms, just because I got to muck around with radio and film equipment. Plus, I got to talk rubbish on radio, edit it, and turn it into hilarity. And my grades haven't been half bad, either. So yeah, this run's been much better than previously. I've also made quite a lot of friends along the way, so I'm all the better for it. To think, at the start of term I was absolutely morose, just because I refused to be more open-minded. Well, lesson learned. Thank you, CMM class S1-T02-2010, for being a real eye-opener. I especially thank all those who were my fellow group members, for putting up with my slightly deranged moments. I hope I haven't scarred y'all for life. No hard feelings, yeah?

Getting our classes all mixed up again wasn't that cool at first, but I guess we all coped with it in our own ways. Plus, we got to use the MediaBiz Studios as our hangout/chillout/do all kinds of nonsense/sneakily eat and drink spot. Cool, huh? Plus, free air-conditioning! Sweet, sweet canned air.

Alright, so we have a whole new semester coming in less than a week. And I'm not going into one of my "here we go again" moods. I'm actually excited about this semester. I mean, what with my grades improving and all, it should be a blast.

So, what have I been doing this round of holidays? Well, not a lot, if you must know. I've been going to the gym regularly, and hitting the pool occasionally. I guess I'm finally able to adapt to a scheduled workout as part of my week. I only hope that next semester's schedule can continue to give me time for a workout. I do wish that people would schedule more sports activities, though...

Right, what else have I been up to? Well, I have yet to rebuild my movies, music and games collections, after my last laptop crash coincided with a hard disk problem that has left me rather peeved with technology. So yeah, I've had to make do with my iPod, singing along to Youtube videos, and some television. Pity there isn't much rugby on the telly at the moment. And no, I refuse to subscribe to Singtel until they integrate their damned set-tops.

So... one week of holidays left. How should I spend said week? Top of my head, I have five things to do.
  1.  Get some new belt buckles. Or perhaps a pair of cowboy/trooper boots.
  2. Buy new jeans, my old jeans have gotten rather loose and baggy. I'm down to 2 wearable pairs.
  3. Plan a new wishlist, budget accordingly. Possibly negotiate increase on allowance *Not ruddy likely*.
  4. Consider whether I should repair my shoes, or buy new ones.
  5. Have dinner with a friend. Or friends. Whoever I can get hold of first.
And there we have it, my holiday in a nutshell. Last week of freedom. BRING! IT! ON!

P.S. For those I haven't met in a while, I have long hair now! And it's just a matter of time before I can rock an Elvis do...Bring back the 60's!

Tuesday, 4 May 2010


Things seem to move fast these days. And some things just don't work out, I guess. But as always, the trick is not to rail against the injustice of it all, but rather, roll with the punches and hope everything turns out fine.

Year 2 of my stay in Temasek. For some reason, my elective options didn't work out. I guess going in two day after everyone else wasn't one of my brighter ideas. Pity, I thought the computers would've sorted things properly. Ah well, spilt milk under the bridge. Heh heh....there's a whole bunch of cows somewhere mooing in protest at that statement.

My new class mostly isn't the "party animal" kind of cool, which is good. I'm aware that some people in my year have cheap liquor running through their veins, but hey, that's their life, not mine. How they want to ruin it ain't none of my beeswax. Anyway, back on topic. My class...yeah, they're awkwardly interesting. And maybe I need to moderate my view on one or two members. Nobody's perfect, I guess.

I have new subjects to take! Unfortunately, lectures so far have been dry and soporific. On the flip side, tutorials have been a blast. I just hope that we can all get through the semester and our group projects safely. And I need to stay ahead of my work. One or two things went a little out of hand last term, so I'm not taking any chances this time.

I'm hosting TP's Got Talent this Friday, alongside Genevieve. Should be an interesting time, especially since there are new changes to the dang script.

Arthur and Stanley are leaving the region...two less reasons to be part of the youth. I grew up alongside them, so I feel it's kinda stupid to move 'em over technicalities. I hate bureaucracy. And I hate blinkered leaders even more.

Right, gotta go. Audio Production tutorial in a bit. Til next time.

Thursday, 8 April 2010

Wild Berries On The Boardwalk

I visited The Resorts for the first time this evening. I had a delicious dinner, an enjoyable ramble through the resorts, and a refreshing dessert. I sat at the side of the bay, taking in the spellbinding view, talking and laughing.

And above all, I spent time with a great friend. Thanks, J. You were wonderful tonight.

P.S. The view of the bay was the second-most beautiful sight tonight.

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Marching Into April

March holidays are here! Wait. hang on, I've been on holiday since Chinese New Year. My course is awesome, right? But what have I been doing so far?

1) Sleeping. Yes, I know, I do that all the time. It's just that I've been getting a bit more. I'm happy about that. It means my body recovers faster, and I can thus be happy, longer.

2) Eating... Slightly Less. Miraculous, ain't it? I've actually brought my diet under some semblance of control. Apart from that nice Feeding Frenzy a few weeks ago, I'm done eating my usual gigantic portions, unless I'm absolutely sure I'm starving. Also, less carb intake. According to my dad, I don't need too much extra energy, so I need to reduce the amount of rice, noodles, pasta and other such things. Fair enough. I am on holiday, after all. Of course, I'll still get plenty of meat and fruit. But I still don't like most vegetables. They still taste like boiled grass.

3) Exercising. Okay, I'm pretty proud of myself on this one. I've been rather out of practice, but when I hit the gym or the pool, it feels good to be up and about. It's just not much fun working out alone. And of course, there are those who sleep and rise at very odd hours, making it nigh impossible to go exercise with them. Oh well, c'est la vie.

4) Guitar Practice. I have 3 chords down, but I need a lot of work on my laborious chord changes. Anyone free to teach me?

5) Reading. For some reason or another, I've re-read all my old paperback novels, and most of the hardcovers. Also, the ebooks and the comics I grabbed off some highway. Heck, I even went through the military history and technology books, just for kicks. I used to love reading when I was a kid. Guess that wasn't a bad thing. The bug just left for a little while, I guess. But the bookworm part is back, and I think it's back for good. Once again, that ain't a bad thing.

6) Outings. Gone out a few times with the different bunches of crazy people I know. Then again, I'm probably the craziest of the lot. Heh heh.

So yeah, that's what I've been doing with my holiday time. Hell of a way to spend a vacation. I have a few things left on the to-do list.
  1. Keep exercising. Exercise is good.
  2. Go kick, throw, or punch a ball with some friends. I need the social side of sports too!
  3. Buy some new tuning pegs and strings for my classical G.
  4. Ponder on my choice of Broadcast as an elective option. Should I have taken film theory first? Should I ask to switch options?
  5. Go to the Chili's at RWS with someone.
  6. Go to HRC with someone.
  7. Spend an entire day with someone.
  8. Download more e-books. Read more, read often.
  9. Play and practice on my guitar. Sing my songs.
  10. Smile.
Until we meet again.

Congratulations, J.

Thursday, 11 March 2010

The Holiday Clock Ticks On

Wow, has it really been more than a month since I last wrote in? Well, I guess now's as good a time as any to update. The match highlights don't start til 12am, and I can't go to sleep because my muscles are aching peacefully. More on that later.

My first year in Temasek has been great. No disrespect to my other classes, but 04 currently occupies top spot in my list of "The best classes I've been a part of". I wonder what happens now. Do we stay as a nutty bunch of friends, or do we all slowly drift apart? I pray we all remember each other, and stay in touch. Because y'all are seriously awesome.

Staying on the topic of 04, the beach outing was one hell of a time. For those who missed it, why? Y'all missed a great day at the beach, and the Ultimate Frisbee game! But maybe we'll have one more party, eh? Somebody rent a chalet or something before we go back to school. Hopefully Mr. E can turn up this time. We owe him a party, at least.

I do wish that the classes stay the same next term, but I don't think that will happen. Anyway, I've signed up for Broadcast, so I hope I made a good choice. And apparently we'll have a killer subject or two to study for..(yes, I'll be having exams again... Humbug!) Anyway, I will have to keep up better with my classes, which means *gasp* LESS GAMING. Yes, I know, kinda hard to imagine, eh? But what with my bro going off the net to get ready for the A's, I can't do the lazy bear act I usually pull off, ot he'll make me look bad. So yes, I'll be reducing my gaming hours.

Rahman's been sent to the Fire Brigade. Hope he can make good and proper friends there, not end up as the educated man amongst the sea of stupid manatees named "Hugh". How the hell a man of his talents ended up in a horrible posting, I'll never know. Ah well, such is life, unfair as it is, and each man to his own.

Big thank you to everyone who turned up for the Feeding Frenzy. The thing was a great success, and I'm grateful y'all could come and break bread together. Now I've got to go to the gym tomorrow as penance for tonight's excess. Heh heh. No pain, no gain. Unfortunately, since I'm tremendously out of form, there's a lot of pain involved.

Oh, you haven't heard? Yes, I'm going to the gym now. I don't think I want to go to NS unfit and slow, so it's time to get to work. Yes Bryan, I know that me getting even bigger might sound scary, but hey, I'll still be the same happy fella. Just a little fitter, that's all. And odd as it seems coming from a guy who loves food as much as I do, I'll be reducing the amount of food I eat. The good part is, that includes vegetables. I never was a big fan of them anyway, especially the leafy stuff. Darn things often taste too much like grass, and I don't mean the kind you smoke. XP

Next time, I discuss more holiday plans, muscle aches, and how I view how the world views me! Stay tuned!

Monday, 1 February 2010

Feeling February First

Two months into 2010. So far so good, I'm staying afloat with all the projects and deadlines. A few tests on the horizon, and a few presentations. Bit of a hiccup on permission for our photography project, so my backup plan is to go photograph the MMA gym. Good idea, but aerial shots might be hard to get. Still, nothing totally nuts yet. That's a good sign. Sometimes life throws a leg-spin at me, but so far it's just been fast bowling. I can handle that.

The Brotherhood will not meet til after Chinese New Year, thanks to an interesting job choice from the Panzer and the Hermit Crab. Ah well, at least we'll have enough money to splurge on a buffet. I've missed all the nonsense and mischief we usually get up to. Seems like we're growing up. Heh. Anyway guys, if you're reading this, we meet sometime after CNY and exams, so keep 50 bucks plus aside yeah?

Another buffet raid is planned, this time with Arthur, Ivan et al. Where and when, I have no idea. Suffice to say we'll all have money after Chinese New Year, so once again, we wait. Hope we can go somewhere I can be in my element...as a natural carnivore.

February 14th. Usually it's just Valentine's, but this year it's red packet day as well. Darn...guess I gotta put any Valentine's Day plans forward or back. Still, I can afford to take my time. The horizon's looking pretty clear at the moment, and the weather forecast is good.

10pm edit: Nuts, just saw a post on Facebook. A very good friend lost her iPhone... Called to confirm, and was rewarded with no answer. Dammit. Curse whoever nicked it. And bless them if they return it. If they don't, may they get knocked over by a cement-mixer, survive and end up brain-dead in hospital for the rest of their misbegotten life.

Now I'm pissed off. All I can do is howl at the injustice of it all. Otherwise, I can't do a thing. I hate being unable to help. Bollocks.

Monday, 25 January 2010

19 Springs. 19 Summers. 19 Autumns. 19 Winters.

I'm 19 today. It's Burns Night. Another year goes by. It's really been a wild ride this past year. I've made so many new friends, and seen so many new things. Life; it never gets old.

Big thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday, regardless of how y'all did it.

Semester's winding down. A few more assignments, a few more tests, and I'm done. Then, I go into holiday mode. Hopefully our class can put together a proper outing before we go our separate ways. I'd like that.

And a song for everyone, because it's a wonderful world.

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Deadlines, je t'aime

I seriously hate this week. What, 4 assignments/projects due? Dammit, I've managed to squeak by so far, but this is bullshit. No kidding. I mean, does my poly deliberately coordinate this shit? Just to piss us all off? Anyone with the bad sense to tell me how slack poly is, will get their face busted in, No questions asked. I need more java, and a quick nap. Bloody writer's block.

Damned writer's block. Still can't concentrate. Forgotten what I was working on. Sociology's done, though. Commentary on "Singapore Dreaming", topics of social mobility and symbolic interactionism. 5Cs and how Singaporean rats race. Humbug. 9 cups of coffee since 8pm. Not enough bean. Liked wrong photo album on FB. Blame it on a lack of bean and my stupid live feed. Try to fave a friend's album, feed updates, like wrong friend's album. Look like a total arsehead. Get called for it. Apologize. Still reading MMP/Percomm project. Still wondering what the hell I'm supposed to be doing. Bloody Hell.

Fuck this. I'm off to bed. Can't do shit at the moment, don't give a flying fuck either. Bollocks to it all. To hell with the projects, I will go to dreamland.

Friday, 15 January 2010

Ham & Cheese

My Class Is Awesome!

But I bet y'all knew that already. But I'll say it again. MY CLASS IS AWESOME!

Why am I rather high at the moment? Blame the fashion photography on Tuesday, which allowed me to ham it up in front of the cameras. Heh heh. I think I really count as the boisterous bruiser trope. Let's bring up a checklist, eh?
  1. Part of an ensemble band? Check.
  2. A Large Ham? Check!
  3. Might inadvertently send someone flying across the room? Check.
  4. Might buy them a drink after picking them up? Check.
  5. Big, Loud & Scenery-Chewing? Check!
  6. One man wrecking crew/army? Check.
  7. Mighty Glacier pulling Tank duty? Check.
  8. Preference for Big F***in' Guns & other over-sized weaponry? Check!
  9. Not exactly the brightest spark? Check.
  10. Can be played by BRIAN BLESSED? CHECK!
There we go, the boisterous bruiser. BWAHAHAHAHAA! CHISWICK! FRESH HORSES!

But seriously, this year has started off great. And it just keeps getting better. Jan's party tomorrow, and a church costume party next Friday. I shall attend as...*drumroll*...The Spirit! And yes, I found somewhere to rent a trenchcoat.

Before I forget. Note to self: Projects dues soon.

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Spring Cleaning

It's time to go through my things again. Put away all the old stuff, take out the trash, and clear some space in my life. After going through my wardrobe for the past few days, I've found plenty of stuff that I presumed lost, or thrown away. So many things hold so many cheerful memories of a childhood spent laughing, crying, reading, watching, playing, growing. 18 years and more gone by. What a ride it's been.

A big congratulations to Jan for appearing on TV! And Jan, you looked great, and did great. I hope you get a smooth journey during the last few months of work!

I am a happy polar bear. =)

Friday, 1 January 2010

Into The Sun

The old year is over, and 2010 is in. It's funny. I went through the whole of the Christmas season, without actually feeling very festive at all. Something last year just didn't sit very right. It was as if something was just keeping everyone's spirits down. No matter. It's a new year, and time for a new chapter.

I've actually had a pretty good time this holidays, compared to some of the turmoil in previous years. Then again, chaos can be more fun than order. Anyway, I thank everyone whose made 2009 a good year for me. To 04, y'all are one of the top classes I've ever been in. To 3/4, you guys have done great. Stay united, and don't ever fall apart over small things. To the Bros, let's keep going, shall we? Even if we seem to have skipped the teenage havoc stage, and have gone on to the swap old stories stage.

I have a few things on this year's to-do list. 5 things, to be exact.
  1. Spend my money wiser. Less eating, more money to use for better things.
  2. Keep singing, and learn to play the electric guitar. I can sing, now for something to keep in tune.
  3. Keep more regular hours. I play too much games, I concede. And it's not a nice feeling to wake up and feel like shite. Conclusion? I need more sleep.
  4. Pick up a sports CCA. Doing nothing is great and all, but I really wanna get into better shape. Gotta think about the future, y'know?
  5. Lastly, spend more time with the people I love. I guess I haven't really given as much as I took last year. Time for a change.
And with that, I bid 2009 adieu, and step into the year of Our Lord, Two Thousand & Ten.