Tuesday, 19 October 2010

The End Is The Beginning

Alright, so I'm finally updating my blog... silly, eh? It's taken me a whole semester and a bit to get back to writing. But I have my reasons. First and foremost, last semester ran me off my feet. Literally. So much has happened in such a short time. But another chapter has closed, and I am left with the usual. Memories, laughs, a musing or two, new friends, and as always, a few regrets. Still, I am happy. At least until the next time I see a textbook, lecture notes or a timetable.

Okay, I'll start talking academics. This has probably been one of my favorite terms, just because I got to muck around with radio and film equipment. Plus, I got to talk rubbish on radio, edit it, and turn it into hilarity. And my grades haven't been half bad, either. So yeah, this run's been much better than previously. I've also made quite a lot of friends along the way, so I'm all the better for it. To think, at the start of term I was absolutely morose, just because I refused to be more open-minded. Well, lesson learned. Thank you, CMM class S1-T02-2010, for being a real eye-opener. I especially thank all those who were my fellow group members, for putting up with my slightly deranged moments. I hope I haven't scarred y'all for life. No hard feelings, yeah?

Getting our classes all mixed up again wasn't that cool at first, but I guess we all coped with it in our own ways. Plus, we got to use the MediaBiz Studios as our hangout/chillout/do all kinds of nonsense/sneakily eat and drink spot. Cool, huh? Plus, free air-conditioning! Sweet, sweet canned air.

Alright, so we have a whole new semester coming in less than a week. And I'm not going into one of my "here we go again" moods. I'm actually excited about this semester. I mean, what with my grades improving and all, it should be a blast.

So, what have I been doing this round of holidays? Well, not a lot, if you must know. I've been going to the gym regularly, and hitting the pool occasionally. I guess I'm finally able to adapt to a scheduled workout as part of my week. I only hope that next semester's schedule can continue to give me time for a workout. I do wish that people would schedule more sports activities, though...

Right, what else have I been up to? Well, I have yet to rebuild my movies, music and games collections, after my last laptop crash coincided with a hard disk problem that has left me rather peeved with technology. So yeah, I've had to make do with my iPod, singing along to Youtube videos, and some television. Pity there isn't much rugby on the telly at the moment. And no, I refuse to subscribe to Singtel until they integrate their damned set-tops.

So... one week of holidays left. How should I spend said week? Top of my head, I have five things to do.
  1.  Get some new belt buckles. Or perhaps a pair of cowboy/trooper boots.
  2. Buy new jeans, my old jeans have gotten rather loose and baggy. I'm down to 2 wearable pairs.
  3. Plan a new wishlist, budget accordingly. Possibly negotiate increase on allowance *Not ruddy likely*.
  4. Consider whether I should repair my shoes, or buy new ones.
  5. Have dinner with a friend. Or friends. Whoever I can get hold of first.
And there we have it, my holiday in a nutshell. Last week of freedom. BRING! IT! ON!

P.S. For those I haven't met in a while, I have long hair now! And it's just a matter of time before I can rock an Elvis do...Bring back the 60's!