Monday, 29 October 2007

O Levels, Day 3

Hmm, History wasn't too bad. But I just faced the hardest slog ever. Three papers in ONE DAY! Thank The Maker that 2 of 3 were English. Lessee now, topic 4, what I would miss if I lived elsewhere...I sure would miss every single one of my friends. I think I know who to ask out now. Well, I did write her name down in my essay, and yes, I would miss her the most of all. But enough about that. Letter writing? Piffling waste of time. Who the hell writes FORMAL LETTERS these days? Newsflash people, ever heard of THE INTERNET? And the only reports I ever want to hear of are police reports..sheesh. Paper 2. Bah, humbug. And Maths 1? Alas, I fear that a lack of drawing ability, combined with sheer bad timing and a slice of misfortune, may contribute to giving me 50 marks or so. Oh well, as Charlie Chaplin wrote, Smile.

Tomorrow I have Maths 2, and I finally get to see my face on a magazine cover. Well, I guess that's a good start. Oh, and for those who are asking about the music player, please be patient, and wait for it to load. 27 songs is quite a large workload on your connection, y'know.

Well, that's all folks! Till another day!

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