Thursday, 10 April 2008

A Brief Discussion, And Some Other Things

Ah, a day without going out of the house. Sedentary living. Peace and quiet, just my computer and me, a few games, and a bottle of water. I've been playing all my games for possibly the last time in a long time, and I've uninstalled most of them. I guess my fun is over, and it's time to get back to the ol' daily grind. Tomorrow I have to purchase the rest of my notes, and also get the compilation CD by The Corrs. What else? Oh yes, remember to update all my laptop software, and finish the virus and spyware scans.

I might be in over my head. I took a long and hard look at my "notes", and came to the conclusion that there sure as hell is a ton of maths in my course. Okay, I might've pathetically underestimated the sheer load of maths coming down. still, no cause for panic. I'm going to stick it out during the first month, and see how things go. If I can't make a good average, or keep up with the course, I'll change course. Where to and what for, you might ask. Well, if I change, I'll change because I can't stand having to go through another 3 years of hell, suffering because I didn't get out in time. Where? I don't know...maybe some course with less maths, or at least maths I can understand. It's all ifs, so I'm still going to do my best. I guess Yoda was right, do or do not, there is no try.

On a much brighter note, I was trying to match songs to the Girls I know, and here's what I came up with.

Nothing, actually. The inevitable drama about my feelings for each one will have to wait til tomorrow. So sorry to disappoint anyone expecting any juicy scandals and the like, but nothing to see here folks, move along! *Sneaky Snicker*

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