Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Whatever Happened To Saturday Night?

And along with it, 2 years of my life? I sure wish I had some of it back. But I guess that it's time to start yet another chapter, and sign off on the last one. Sometimes I wonder, what would our stories all look like in a library. Whose would be in the funny section? And who would be a tragedy? Or perhaps we're all doomed to be simply, non-fiction.

The last 2 years in CMM have been well spent. Granted, I wish I could have said some things different, and done some things very different, but sadly, I am not a Time Lord. Besides, the year has been kind. Granted, I've gotten into a scrape or two, and probably cheesed off several people, but I seem to have turned out relatively alright. And was I really all that scary in first year? I find it hard to believe when people tell me that. I sure don't remember walking around with a scowl on my face all the time. But if I did scare people off, my bad. Sure didn't mean to.

Time for internships! To quote my partner in crime, my job involves [CLASSIFIED CONTENT], which means I get to [CLASSIFIED CONTENT] most of the day, which involves [CLASSIFIED CONTENT], and also [CLASSIFIED CONTENT] which I find remarkably enjoyable. I could tell you what I do, but then I'd have to kill you. Heh heh.

But honestly, the new job looks like a blast. The dress code rocks, too. Jeans and polos completely normal. A bit overdressed, even. I shall bring my windbreaker, just to look semi-formal. AHAHAHAHAHA. The only issue I have at the moment? My lack of expertise with Final Cut Pro. But that can be remedied, I think. A quick call to Mr Awesome Guo, and he shall impart to me his 1337 technomancer powers. Failing which, TO THE INTERNET!

It's my first day on my own, and I miss everyone so badly. It's like when I turn to my left, or right, I expect to see one of the guys, up to something stupid again. Or one of the girls, happily discussing how the guys are always doing stupid things. Today's just Monday, so just imagine how bad it's gonna be tomorrow, on what used to be Broadcast Day. Or Thursday, once Multicam Day. And Friday, when we all went Radio Gaga.

Jrrx 0, Lrne 1. Lbh fng arkg gb zr va gur pbzchgre yno. Ze T jnf tvivat bhg fpurqhyrf, naq qbvat vagebqhpgvbaf. Jr gnyxrq. Lbh jrag guebhtu zl jnyyrg. Jr qvfphffrq gur zbivr gvpxrg fghof lbh sbhaq va gurer. Jr ynhturq. Zber gnyxvat. Zl urneg fxvccrq n orng. Jvfu V fnvq zber.

Sunday, 13 February 2011

Dilemma of the Day

Okay, so tomorrow is Monday. Not too bad, I can deal with that. I mean, not too much happens on Mondays, right? Hit the gym, clean up, head to school. Triple C classes, lectures, then go home. Not too complicated.

Hang on, it's February 14th tomorrow. That means... ERIC CLAPTON!!!! That's right, ladies and gentlemen, Slowhand himself is in Singapore! And I have a ticket! OORAH!!

But it's not just Clapton Live Appreciation Day tomorrow, it's also Valentine's Day. Even at this late hour, I'm torn on whether or not I should get something for the girl I'd like to be my Valentine. I mean, I was hoping for some kind of courier service to deliver a bouquet, but there are none, and I'd rather remain an anonymous admirer for now (with oh-so-stunning alliterative skills).

Also, I don't want to make my feelings absolutely obvious, as there is the huge chance of making a right fool of myself in public. For some reason, I am given to flights of romantic fancy from time to time (blame those Austen novels I read when I was a kid), and might say or do something incredibly stupid/sappy/embarrassing. Hell, I even wrote a poem and made a card for her, but scrapped it after reading it through. I might post it on this blog next time, when I am drunk as a judge. Like that'll ever happen.

Oh, and I'm scared that if anything goes wrong, I lose a friend as well. Or friends, as the case may be. Word travels fast in my course. If only life was as easy as a book or a movie. Or perhaps a box of chocolates. That's it! I'll get her some chocolates! Hang on, maybe she doesn't like chocolates spiked with liqueur.

And of course, there's the complication of my dear classmates. I suspect some of them know what's going on, and are prepared to hang as much shit on me as they can, if I make any moves this time. And here I was thinking I hide my feelings pretty decent. Ah well, c'est l'amour. Happy Valentine's Day, everyone.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Adaptation or Institutionalization?

Right, it's been awhile. Lots of stuff happening, and the holiday train simply flew by, with little to no interest in stopping to let me on board.

New term's been a heavy hitter so far. Deadlines and commitments are piling up like there ain't no tomorrow, and they've no intention of slowing down. At times, I really hate our subject leaders for how (badly) they planned it all, and then I remember that they are in as much of a pickle as us. There are of course exceptions to the rule, but I name no names. I will however say that I absolutely detest Triple-C at the moment. It teaches us nothing, the person running the exam is only interested in regurgitated keywords, and its required reading/watching list is absolute crap. The Joy Luck Club? Seriously? WHAT A WASTE OF MY TIME. Stupid, sappy, weepy, overhyped, overrated piffle. Piffle Piffle Piffle. It is as bad as all that crap them white crackers used to pull about "me love you long time". Absolute drivel. Oh, and did I mention it's a laugh riot? I did? WELL I LIED!

That apart, I'm coping a little better with the other stuff. Broadcast is awesome as always. Radio could do better with its deadlines and project topics, but no major complaints. MEP is annoying as ever, but compromises can be reached. And Multicam is fairly straightforward, just needing a little work on deadlines too.

Which leads me to the topic in question. I have three theories as to why time moves differently in CMM.

Theory the first, we are all Time Lords (or at least Time Knights), and can manipulate time to adjust our deadlines, so we finish right on schedule. Also, hammerspace.

Theory the second, we have simply adapted to our conditions and surroundings like the smart critters we are, and cannot be killed by them deadlines. We are simply too strong. Too fast. Too good. Can't touch this.

Theory the third, we have been institutionalized. Like inmates of a prison, or the local nuthouse where screwies end up, we are part of the system. We meekly accept, rebel in small ways, and simply sink into the slimy quicksand of our own slavery.

And there we have it, JJ's guide to the CMM hypothesis on the question of relative time. Hope you enjoyed that little bit of insanity.