Sunday, 13 February 2011

Dilemma of the Day

Okay, so tomorrow is Monday. Not too bad, I can deal with that. I mean, not too much happens on Mondays, right? Hit the gym, clean up, head to school. Triple C classes, lectures, then go home. Not too complicated.

Hang on, it's February 14th tomorrow. That means... ERIC CLAPTON!!!! That's right, ladies and gentlemen, Slowhand himself is in Singapore! And I have a ticket! OORAH!!

But it's not just Clapton Live Appreciation Day tomorrow, it's also Valentine's Day. Even at this late hour, I'm torn on whether or not I should get something for the girl I'd like to be my Valentine. I mean, I was hoping for some kind of courier service to deliver a bouquet, but there are none, and I'd rather remain an anonymous admirer for now (with oh-so-stunning alliterative skills).

Also, I don't want to make my feelings absolutely obvious, as there is the huge chance of making a right fool of myself in public. For some reason, I am given to flights of romantic fancy from time to time (blame those Austen novels I read when I was a kid), and might say or do something incredibly stupid/sappy/embarrassing. Hell, I even wrote a poem and made a card for her, but scrapped it after reading it through. I might post it on this blog next time, when I am drunk as a judge. Like that'll ever happen.

Oh, and I'm scared that if anything goes wrong, I lose a friend as well. Or friends, as the case may be. Word travels fast in my course. If only life was as easy as a book or a movie. Or perhaps a box of chocolates. That's it! I'll get her some chocolates! Hang on, maybe she doesn't like chocolates spiked with liqueur.

And of course, there's the complication of my dear classmates. I suspect some of them know what's going on, and are prepared to hang as much shit on me as they can, if I make any moves this time. And here I was thinking I hide my feelings pretty decent. Ah well, c'est l'amour. Happy Valentine's Day, everyone.

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