Thursday, 15 January 2009

Second Verse, Same As The First

The new year has become just another year. The holiday euphoria has worn off, and I believe we can all go back to the comfort of the familiar. Routine, habit, ritual and practice. It had to come sometime, but believe me, I wish it never would.

Imagine. By the end of this year, we will all note the drop of another grain of sand in our hourglasses. Will we truly be "another year older, another year wiser"? I certainly hope so.

So far, so good. Things have been going along very well. I'm still working, probably til end Feb. However, I am on, what should I do with said vacation?

Goals...ever so simple, and yet, so far away from achievement. Oh well, here goes nothing.
  1. Stabilize weight at 90kg
  2. Learn to play my electric guitar
  3. Get into my course of choice
  4. Be nice to people.
  5. Ask a girl out properly, without somehow pissing her off or frightening her away.
  7. Celebrate my birthday.
Okay, that's all from me. Targets haven't changed too much, I guess. Second verse, same as the first.