Tuesday, 11 December 2007

North By Northeast

To quote Jack Black in the movie The Holiday: "Legend has it that when the Santa Anas blow, all bets are off, anything can happen." In my case, in the past few days when I've been out walking one heck of a cold breeze has been blowing. A chilling, frosty blast of ice whistling down from the north. Change is due soon. I can feel it, but I ain't sure what is gonna happen to me. But one thing's for sure, something's gotta give. It's too much to try and contend with the force of Winter, wind's coming in north by northeast. I'm just gonna lie back and go wherever the wind takes me.

On a more carefree and non-intellectual note, Fight Club training today was fun, and what happened after was even more fun. Today's attendance consisted of myself, Bryan, Abel, Jeremy Wong, and Wei Jie. The other four were practicing armed combat, something I do not excel in. I fight without rules, that's why I can be dangerous. My only style or mantra for combat is that unpredictability equals danger. If people can read you like a book, you might as well not bother. I took out my boredom on a wall and some pillars, and managed to bust open my left hand knuckles. Minor bleeding, just a flesh wound. I've had worse.

Stopped at around 12, went for lunch with Brian's German foreign exchange student Kim, at Serangoon Gardens Market. Char Kway Teow and Steamed dumplings. Aaaah, the sweet unhealthiness of it all. You know, I just realized that Kim looks extremely cute. I wonder why Bryan hasn't asked her out yet? I think I can see chemistry (no not the subject!) between the two of them. Hey, I'm no expert, but I think they are good for each other. Whatever.... Anyways, we went back to Bryan's place, and played poker using arcade chips in place of money. I psychoed Bryan out ForTheWin! Whoopee! Whee! Old Mr B, Riddle-Me-Ree! HAHAHA! I'm had such fun WINNING! But seriously, thanks Bryan, for being such a nice guy. You make a crazy nut like me happy I have such good buddies. I take my hat off to you.

Hmm, I must be going slightly mad. I'm supposed to be scheming, planning and plotting over a certain lady, and yet I'm wasting time? Wait, prioritizing ain't exactly my strong point. Gaah, forget it. I bought her a 2GB thumb drive for Christmas, and I'm gonna load it with love songs. If she don't get the hint, enough of that then. I'll slow down. Jingle Bell Rock, and Merry Christmas! Comin' At You!

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