Friday, 29 February 2008

Cold War

The Cold War was first fought between two opposing ideologies, and since then, countless miniature versions have been fought between parents and their teenagers, which were likewise another conflict of ideas. Well, I fought one just before the O's, and it looks like I'm fighting one again.

Since Monday, my father and I have refused to speak to each other, and only accept the other's presence as a formality. Why? Because he refused to accept me going to poly, reneging on a promise that he would support me wholeheartedly. Monday night, he kept badgering me about whether I could make the grade or not.

For those who know me well enough, I work best when people do NOT constantly question my confidence or my motivation. For those not in the know, let me tell you that it is one of the best ways to piss me off, that is, if you're cruisin' for a bruisin'. Why so? Well the simple fact is that the more others question me, the more I question myself, and I can be very self-critical, not exactly what others would think of me.

Anyway, back to my little story. Point is, my dad and I have been ignoring each other, even when we went down with a flu one after another. Well, my decision has been made. I like it this way. He doesn't bother about me, I couldn't give a rat's ass or a flying f*** about him. I LIKE IT. If he doesn't like me going to poly, I can still go overseas. I've been reading up on some high schools overseas, and it seems that I qualify to go overseas to study, if I can get my visa approved. All I need now is for that one catalyst, that one spark that will set off an inferno. That one domino that will set off a chain of events that would lead to me leaving Singapore for a foreign shore. ALONE. I don't give a shit if my dad goes berserk over it. All that gives me is what he owes me. Years of freedom. Oh, and he still owes me money. And if he wants to keep me here, he's gonna have to bloody well find me.

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