Saturday, 18 October 2008

The One Constant In The World

Change. Ya gotta love it. It comes along out of the blue, and smacks straight into you when you're just going on, minding your own business. Bolt out of the bloody blue. Whoop-de-effin-doo. Anyway, here's confirmation of my current status, and my plans.

I have officially dropped out of my course. I am now an intern at a finance company. I plan to resume my studies next year. I have no intention of returning to my old course, or other engineering/science course, for that matter. I still plan to get my driver's license. My endpoint is still the same, just that the route has changed slightly.

I have made a few promises I fully intend to keep. First off, I will pay for the net's popcorn. I am completely serious. Second. I will learn as much as I can on my job, and not succumb to possible boredom. Third. I will pay attention to a friend's advice that sometimes, she might be right in front of me, but I might not see her...once I figure out what the hell that means. Fourth. I will keep going to the gym. Fifth. Start my Christmas list.

To all who are gonna have exams soon, all the best. For those starting school again, just chill... you'll get over's another tequila sunrise, that's all.

Saturday, 4 October 2008

Life Is A Highway

I'm less tired than I was at the start of the break. Also, less bored. Several interesting events have unfolded. I'm much better for them. It's been a good few weeks.

I have a few announcements to make. Firstly, I am leaving my course of studies. Whatever was taught sure hasn't stuck. Probably never will. I will be getting a job when term re-opens, and will not be returning to school, except maybe to pinch some movies, books and the like. Or I might do that during the last week of break. Whatever works out, I guess.

Secondly, I am giving up my pursuit of her. I did send her an email asking her out, just for a movie and coffee, but have yet to receive a proper response. Also, since I am leaving my course (and most probably the polytechnic), it don't seem too sensible to keep her thinking I'm trying something. I leave that part of my life to chance, fate and time.

Third. HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAHMAN! Yeah, yeah, I'm weeks late, but still, better late than never, eh? (I really need to stop procrastinating, retyping entire articles and deleting them). Anyway, here's wishing you all the best for promo results. Ride on, my brother-in-arms!

Fourth. I am trying to hammer out a plan for my life, or at least the education part of it. Yes, I'm actually thinking hard during a holiday break. No, I don't mean that I was not thinking when I was talking about your life. Of course I was thinking, and not on autopilot. It's just that I am putting as much serious thought as I can into this. All better now? Good. Thank you. Now sod off, you hypersensitive bitch. No wait! I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, it was meant for the other guy. Yeah, you at the back, the one who didn't get it...oh never mind.

Now, for something a little less serious.

I've been going out a lot more lately. 2 badminton games, 1 basketball game, lunch, a school tour, a gaming spree, and more food and drink. For once, I actually enjoyed myself bags more, rather than the usual sitting in front of a computer, like I'm doing now. So, to the cool cats of region 3/4, who planned and organized all the events, thanks for a job well done. Boredom has been alleviated.

Let's see, am I missing anything....nope, don't think I have. Well, til next time chaps. Oh wait. Yeah. Paul Newman has gone to the great roundup in the sky. This video is posted in his honor. To the Hudson Hornet.