Thursday, 21 May 2009

Flash Panache

Well, I guess I saw it coming. Graphic design ain't exactly my thing, and you might get a good design outta me once every few months. Guess what Ms Tay said is true...plenty of hard work and ideas, but basic, and simple artwork that lacks a focus. Still, I hope that my pitch may have at least helped me pass. I am at least proud of my pitch. Now to work out how to sell ice to Eskimos and sand to desert nomads. The complimentary color choice helped too. I wish I could've done better. Then again, my design ideas are a typical guy's, and I favor the old-school, which I make no apologies for.

Quote of the moment: "There's no school like the old school, and I'm the fuckin' 'eadmaster!"

But enough on that. Next deadlines: Journalism story and Med Soc proposal, Marketing journals due Friday. Okay, so I've started four and finished two, so another two more to go. I should get them done ASAP. So much to do, but I guess, enough time to do 'em.

EssGra tutorial later, and I'm still a little slow on the whole Illustrator thing. Skills test is next week, apparently, and I sure as shit don't wanna fail. Time to get outsider help! Failing that, textbook osmosis!

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