Friday, 7 August 2009

Fortune Smile On Us

Goodbye Ms. Winnie Tan, and thanks for all the memories. You've taught us and guided us for one great semester,and we wish you all the best.

It's been a great day. All my assignments are in, I have no more projects due, no more note-taking, no more losing sleep over project or assignment deadlines. Just a little bit of work left. And with the long weekend, I get some R&R time. I really need some rest, and some ice for my elbow.

Speaking of my elbow, I played some football with the CMM guys today. I'm very happy that I joined them for the game. They are really decent blokes, you know? Bollocks to all the stuff I might have thought previously, they are great fun. And I surprised myself with the display I put up for goaltending and defensive duties. I'm normally not anywhere near that great, I'll admit. But today I hit form, all the better for everyone. And best part is, my adrenaline managed to prevent me feeling the full extent of the bumps and bruises until I got home.

Tomorrow should be great. Hang with the guys and shoot the breeze, while eating and drinking. It's always nice to catch up with old friends.And Monday's footy day. I sure hope it doesn't rain... And that I've recovered by then.

The EXAMS are coming. Granted, I have it easier than most, but I still want to do well, even if that means actually studying. For all the guys and girls who are about to take their exams, God and fortune smile on us all.

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