Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Kick Into Gear

Right, now that semester is over, time to study. Next week is gonna be rough, so I've gotta enjoy the small break and the opportunity to revise. Speaking of revision, nothing's sticking. I need some study buddies, or I'll go spare studying on my own.

New plans for the year. I'm back in the pool, so I need to maintain that. If I can bring my weight down to maybe 88-91 kg, I should be fine. Also, do better in semester 2. I won't have the design modules weighing me down, so I must do better. Not to say that CMM design modules are horrendously difficult, it's just that I'm not great at design. Them's the breaks.

I wonder how everyone's getting along in their revision? I mean, I check Facebook every few hours, and I see people complaining about studying and $300 handphone bills, and some randy little pervert in Taiwan raving about the girls there. If he likes 'em so much, he should marry one and stay there, wouldn't you agree? Maybe I'll go blog browsing after my swim. Gotta run!

This is ourselves.............under pressure.

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