Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Here Comes Time

I Love My Class. Granted, they can be exasperating, annoying and cheerfully unaware of some things going on in the world, but I don't hold that against them. Maybe I'm just too serious sometimes. In any case, this is the absolute BEST class I've ever been in, 4S1 running in a very close second. And we have one heck of a Care Person. That's the TP version of a form teacher, by the way. I mean, how many other teachers can put up with so much hyperactive and zany behavior from one class, and then buy lunch for that whole class? Mr Ethan Guo, We Salute You!

Okay, for once, I have all my stuff prepared for GDF and EssGra. Both projects are ready and waiting, the only problem is that the EssGra project needs to have a few spanners in the works sorted out. Nothing too drastic, thankfully. And I put my trust in Jiaqi to sort them out. She's a smart cookie, she is. Kudos to Michelle and Shafiq as well, for contributing so much to the project.

Now, my checklist for school simply reads: Journalism 1 assignment, and prepare for exams. That's right folks, my major assignments are all in, and I'm almost done with the semester. Perhaps at the end of the week, I will post my views on the WHOLE class. Well, maybe an exception or two. After all, if you've nothing good to say, don't say it. And since Friday is Ms Tan's last day on the job, I think we should get her something, don't you?

Right, another game of football coming up on Monday. That's probably the highlight of my weekend, unless I go beast some sushi joint with the Crazy Gang. Hope they're free. I wonder how they are all getting along. Time for a surprise inspection! Heh heh. Barge in at their houses and crash on the couch time! Nah, won't happen. I'm too nice. =)

Oh yeah, I'm told we are at a disadvantage playing other regional teams, as our defence is not that great. Well, what the hell did you expect, since our idea of defence seems to be leaving a lone sweeper to cover, and letting every other player charge up the bloody field, without listening either to the sweeper or the goalie? Way to go, geniuses. You can't expect Alan and I to catch every bleeding thing thrown at us, and do so with no defensive cover, or anyone tracking back. JBC. To any prospective defenders, have some sodding discipline. BFH.

Presentations, presentations, presentations. Had quite a few this term, don't know how well I did. Hope what I gave was enough. Maybe next semester will be better, since there won't be anymore exams. Also, I'm told some subjects are great if you can use flashbangs and smokes, so I have my fingers crossed. I certainly won't do that great for this semester, unless I can spring a major surprise. Hope springs eternal in the human breast, et cetera.

I should legally change my name to JJ Seah Junjie. I'm a little tried of people not being sure what my name is. And JJ is good. I used to want Craig, or Johnny or something, but maybe when I really want to GTF outta here and go somewhere far away. And that don't look like happening anytime soon.

I have a possible job offer. Got the word over the past few days. Sounds extremely tempting. And with the job market so bad, any openings are certainly worth consideration. I don't have that much to do, anyway.

I need less coffee, and more sleep. My energy levels seem to crash during the late morning to early afternoon, and again at night. Eight to twelve cups a day is unhealthy, especially my kind of blend. Well, the first step to recovery is recognizing the problem. And I need to stop swearing so much...NOT. It ain't me, babe. It just ain't. And I need more swim partners, it get's boring cranking out 40 laps by yourself. My shoulder and back problems are finally gone, thank God. Now there's just my knee I gotta watch. I wanted a motorcycle. My dad wouldn't let me. I'll settle for a muscle car, or at least a muscle car bodykit on a good set of wheels. Time to look into getting my license.

Johnny Cash Songs on an Electric Guitar. Dreams Will Come True.

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