Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Deadliners Before December

Right, it's deadline week again. The time when everyone scurries around, attempting to catch up on all our assignments. Here's a break down of what I need to finish if I want to see December.
  1. Photography Assignment - 30 Photographs (Food For Thought)
  2. Persuasive Communications - 3 Reflective Journals
  3. Media Management Principles - 1 Job Advertisement
  4. Journalism - Individual Assignment 1
Yep, I think that's everything. Seems a relatively doable target, no? I certainly hope so. I just wonder why things coincide at such a time.

Three thousand bleeding dollars to stay Down Under for 3 weeks...and not even on holiday. What a rotten deal. For $3000, I could fly to Oz, crash with my relatives, and go out on my own. Even then, things, friends and girls I want are all here, so no need to hightail it out yet. Plus, I'd rather like to go to the UK, Ireland or America for a holiday. No way am I gonna blow 3k on a lousy study trip. Betcha TP's too cheap to sponsor us. Ah well, at least I can make my own plans.

Media fast my arse. Whoever dreamt up that idea is a bleeding moron, and you can quote me. If I had to do that crap, you wouldn't see me in school for a month. In any case, corporate youth leadership strikes me as a bunch of assclowns, content to bow and scrape before the great white stick. Well, they can piss off, and take their bovine brains with them. I've had it. Bloody herd of sheep. Worse still, the malady seems to be filtering to my region. And for FUCK'S SAKE, stop the holier-than-thou attitude! That's how the Church in Europe and across the Pond got to be seen as stuck-up sods with no sense of humor!

I'm looking forward to the long weekend. Friday and Saturday seem like good days to go out for a lark, and I think I can find some partners in crime. Hope Jan and Rach are free. I miss the Wild Boys, though. Sakae buffets are so last year. Let's do a number on Kuishin Bo Next!

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