Monday, 30 November 2009

Ring Them Bells

And so it begins. The last day of November is upon us. The Yule spirit is in fine form this year, the high roads and low roads alike are festooned with garlands, banners and bright lights. Optimism seems to have returned, after all the doom and gloom of last year. I blame the HNIC. Or maybe not, he's not really done anything, has he? Anyway, this week sees more crunch fixtures coming up. How's about I go on about schoolwork now, and save the happiness for later?

Okay, my J2 article is still unwritten. I have notes, I have a structure, but I need to force myself to simply write the bleedin' thing. It's been a distraction the past few days, getting the sodding interviews done. Still, I hope that can be done with, so I can move on to Photography. That's the real killer. Food for thought has left me needing inspiration. My photos of chefs at work were all crappy, and most I asked weren't interested in being photographed. Damn my moral compass. Plus my MMP blog malfunctioned. And to top it all off, I broke the DSLR filter when I fell off the stairs, and had to blow my last $80 for a new filter. Bloody effin' hell. Why does everything go wrong at the same time?

Right, that's enough of that. Think happy, JJ, and let the cards fall as they may. It's all about timing and knowing.

Rehearsals for both productions are going extremely well. More practice needed.

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