Monday, 25 January 2010

19 Springs. 19 Summers. 19 Autumns. 19 Winters.

I'm 19 today. It's Burns Night. Another year goes by. It's really been a wild ride this past year. I've made so many new friends, and seen so many new things. Life; it never gets old.

Big thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday, regardless of how y'all did it.

Semester's winding down. A few more assignments, a few more tests, and I'm done. Then, I go into holiday mode. Hopefully our class can put together a proper outing before we go our separate ways. I'd like that.

And a song for everyone, because it's a wonderful world.

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Deadlines, je t'aime

I seriously hate this week. What, 4 assignments/projects due? Dammit, I've managed to squeak by so far, but this is bullshit. No kidding. I mean, does my poly deliberately coordinate this shit? Just to piss us all off? Anyone with the bad sense to tell me how slack poly is, will get their face busted in, No questions asked. I need more java, and a quick nap. Bloody writer's block.

Damned writer's block. Still can't concentrate. Forgotten what I was working on. Sociology's done, though. Commentary on "Singapore Dreaming", topics of social mobility and symbolic interactionism. 5Cs and how Singaporean rats race. Humbug. 9 cups of coffee since 8pm. Not enough bean. Liked wrong photo album on FB. Blame it on a lack of bean and my stupid live feed. Try to fave a friend's album, feed updates, like wrong friend's album. Look like a total arsehead. Get called for it. Apologize. Still reading MMP/Percomm project. Still wondering what the hell I'm supposed to be doing. Bloody Hell.

Fuck this. I'm off to bed. Can't do shit at the moment, don't give a flying fuck either. Bollocks to it all. To hell with the projects, I will go to dreamland.

Friday, 15 January 2010

Ham & Cheese

My Class Is Awesome!

But I bet y'all knew that already. But I'll say it again. MY CLASS IS AWESOME!

Why am I rather high at the moment? Blame the fashion photography on Tuesday, which allowed me to ham it up in front of the cameras. Heh heh. I think I really count as the boisterous bruiser trope. Let's bring up a checklist, eh?
  1. Part of an ensemble band? Check.
  2. A Large Ham? Check!
  3. Might inadvertently send someone flying across the room? Check.
  4. Might buy them a drink after picking them up? Check.
  5. Big, Loud & Scenery-Chewing? Check!
  6. One man wrecking crew/army? Check.
  7. Mighty Glacier pulling Tank duty? Check.
  8. Preference for Big F***in' Guns & other over-sized weaponry? Check!
  9. Not exactly the brightest spark? Check.
  10. Can be played by BRIAN BLESSED? CHECK!
There we go, the boisterous bruiser. BWAHAHAHAHAA! CHISWICK! FRESH HORSES!

But seriously, this year has started off great. And it just keeps getting better. Jan's party tomorrow, and a church costume party next Friday. I shall attend as...*drumroll*...The Spirit! And yes, I found somewhere to rent a trenchcoat.

Before I forget. Note to self: Projects dues soon.

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Spring Cleaning

It's time to go through my things again. Put away all the old stuff, take out the trash, and clear some space in my life. After going through my wardrobe for the past few days, I've found plenty of stuff that I presumed lost, or thrown away. So many things hold so many cheerful memories of a childhood spent laughing, crying, reading, watching, playing, growing. 18 years and more gone by. What a ride it's been.

A big congratulations to Jan for appearing on TV! And Jan, you looked great, and did great. I hope you get a smooth journey during the last few months of work!

I am a happy polar bear. =)

Friday, 1 January 2010

Into The Sun

The old year is over, and 2010 is in. It's funny. I went through the whole of the Christmas season, without actually feeling very festive at all. Something last year just didn't sit very right. It was as if something was just keeping everyone's spirits down. No matter. It's a new year, and time for a new chapter.

I've actually had a pretty good time this holidays, compared to some of the turmoil in previous years. Then again, chaos can be more fun than order. Anyway, I thank everyone whose made 2009 a good year for me. To 04, y'all are one of the top classes I've ever been in. To 3/4, you guys have done great. Stay united, and don't ever fall apart over small things. To the Bros, let's keep going, shall we? Even if we seem to have skipped the teenage havoc stage, and have gone on to the swap old stories stage.

I have a few things on this year's to-do list. 5 things, to be exact.
  1. Spend my money wiser. Less eating, more money to use for better things.
  2. Keep singing, and learn to play the electric guitar. I can sing, now for something to keep in tune.
  3. Keep more regular hours. I play too much games, I concede. And it's not a nice feeling to wake up and feel like shite. Conclusion? I need more sleep.
  4. Pick up a sports CCA. Doing nothing is great and all, but I really wanna get into better shape. Gotta think about the future, y'know?
  5. Lastly, spend more time with the people I love. I guess I haven't really given as much as I took last year. Time for a change.
And with that, I bid 2009 adieu, and step into the year of Our Lord, Two Thousand & Ten.