Thursday, 27 December 2007

Man In The Middle

To quote The Bee Gees, I'm just the man in the middle. Of what? Everything, of course. It's nice being the eye of the hurricane. Everything else is blowing around you, you are safe and calm. Party's in three days! But up to today, interesting events have been unfolding all over the place.

  • Rahman has his dad back again! Hooray for moderates! I hope the two can continue to co-exist peacefully.
  • Bryan's back, and is willing to help with the drinks.
  • Gawain's finally contactable, and is willing to source drinks, at a price.
  • Christmas was a blast, and I really had a lot of fun. The cash and presents weren't too bad either.
  • I am a full Corporal in BF2, with an eye on being a Sergeant. Yay unlocks! I unlocked the PKM Light Machine Gun, and the M95 Barret Sniper Rifle! Viva Las Headshots! Can't stop rockin'! Woohoo!
  • I got a handphone! Yes, I am finally contactable. But be warned, I will still use my home phone if I'm at home.
  • Party menu is decided, and so are the drinks!
Indeed, I have much to be grateful for. I thank all my friends and family, for helping me make it so far this year. Now, Ladies And Gentleman, For The Thousands In Attendance, And The Millions Watching At Home, LLLLEEEET"S GET READY TO RRRUUUUUUUUUUMMBLE!

Tuesday, 11 December 2007

North By Northeast

To quote Jack Black in the movie The Holiday: "Legend has it that when the Santa Anas blow, all bets are off, anything can happen." In my case, in the past few days when I've been out walking one heck of a cold breeze has been blowing. A chilling, frosty blast of ice whistling down from the north. Change is due soon. I can feel it, but I ain't sure what is gonna happen to me. But one thing's for sure, something's gotta give. It's too much to try and contend with the force of Winter, wind's coming in north by northeast. I'm just gonna lie back and go wherever the wind takes me.

On a more carefree and non-intellectual note, Fight Club training today was fun, and what happened after was even more fun. Today's attendance consisted of myself, Bryan, Abel, Jeremy Wong, and Wei Jie. The other four were practicing armed combat, something I do not excel in. I fight without rules, that's why I can be dangerous. My only style or mantra for combat is that unpredictability equals danger. If people can read you like a book, you might as well not bother. I took out my boredom on a wall and some pillars, and managed to bust open my left hand knuckles. Minor bleeding, just a flesh wound. I've had worse.

Stopped at around 12, went for lunch with Brian's German foreign exchange student Kim, at Serangoon Gardens Market. Char Kway Teow and Steamed dumplings. Aaaah, the sweet unhealthiness of it all. You know, I just realized that Kim looks extremely cute. I wonder why Bryan hasn't asked her out yet? I think I can see chemistry (no not the subject!) between the two of them. Hey, I'm no expert, but I think they are good for each other. Whatever.... Anyways, we went back to Bryan's place, and played poker using arcade chips in place of money. I psychoed Bryan out ForTheWin! Whoopee! Whee! Old Mr B, Riddle-Me-Ree! HAHAHA! I'm had such fun WINNING! But seriously, thanks Bryan, for being such a nice guy. You make a crazy nut like me happy I have such good buddies. I take my hat off to you.

Hmm, I must be going slightly mad. I'm supposed to be scheming, planning and plotting over a certain lady, and yet I'm wasting time? Wait, prioritizing ain't exactly my strong point. Gaah, forget it. I bought her a 2GB thumb drive for Christmas, and I'm gonna load it with love songs. If she don't get the hint, enough of that then. I'll slow down. Jingle Bell Rock, and Merry Christmas! Comin' At You!

Friday, 7 December 2007

The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn

You know, what with all this controversy over movies like The Golden Compass, The Chronicles Of Narnia, Harry Potter, The Lord Of The Rings, The Da Vinci Code and so on, I though I might just weigh in with my two bucks worth. Well, here goes.

I believe that to each, his own. You may come up with your own interpretations of whatever events may transpire. For example, V For Vendetta could be viewed as dangerous anti-government propaganda, or as a dark, yet heroic story of a man fighting a battle no one else would dare fight. Likewise, Robin Hood may be seen as a dangerous bandit who openly defies the law, or as a working-class hero (yeoman) with lordly roots who was unjustly removed from position. Even Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn could be represented as troublemaking rebels against society and all embodiments of authority. In short, a bad example for any young mind. Or, they could be looked at as mischievous, but well-intentioned young scamps who make good in the end. Even children's classic Wind In The Willows has a chapter that generated much controversy. The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn, Chapter 7 in the book, was denounced as demonic, un-Christian and certainly not something for children to read. But when I first read the story, I saw only the wild, beautiful spirit of nature itself. The chapter, in my humble opinion, is just a celebration about the beauty of nature, not some deeper message designed to encourage belief in demons and spirits. So it was a great book, great fiction. Honestly, I know my idea isn't gonna change people's view, but I hope people can believe whatever they want, but at the same time respect the fact that not everyone will have the same opinion, and nobody likes to be forced into changing opinions. Good night, and God Bless Us, Everyone!