Tuesday, 18 March 2008

P's, Q's and Celtic Thunder

I've been up and about the whole day, (yes, a remarkable change from what I usually do, I know). Went down to Ngee Ann poly, got my bloody fees paid, and got my first laptop. Specs aren't too bad, except for the BLOODY WINDOWS VISTA BUSINESS! Freakin' stupid thing. AND to top it off, I finally have space to stuff my games and the effin' compatibility issues start flooding me. Oh well... still, I installed BFME2, Rugby 06, FIFA 07 and The Sims 2 without a hitch... now for GTA3 and MOHPA, then we'll see what we can do about the stupid lag in-game. Or, my backup is to uninstall Vista and install Windows XP. Brilliant, eh?

Oh, and while youtubing I came across a video by Damian McGinty. Remember him? The cute little boy singing "Puppy Love"? Yeah, he's now in a band called Celtic Thunder. Really great singers. Sharp dressers, too. As you would probably guessed by now, they sing traditional Celtic stuff, and some songs also from the same genius who brought us "Ireland's Call", Phil Coulter. For those who have watched an Irish rugby game, it really is a spectacle to watch the faithful at Croke Park bellow out their anthem with such spirit, especially if they're playing the English. And if you've studied the history of Ireland, it has never had a unified anthem to sing 'til Mr. Coulter came along. Anyways, he fused traditional Gaelic with English to create one of the greatest songs I've ever heard. Allow me to share it. Enjoy.

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