Saturday, 25 July 2009

Cutting Close To The Line

I'm not that complicated. People are my friends until they stop being my friends. How does that happen? Well, first, you've gotta do something that really pisses me off. Then, you've got to refuse to admit it, or be completely unapologetic about it. If you don't know what it is, I would probably tell you. And if you don't like something I'm doing, will you for fuck's sake have some goddamn bloody guts and tell me to my face? Don't bloody skulk around in the shadows and poison the well, step up and take a fucking swing. We might both actually gain something out of it, even if it's only a black eye and a bruised ego

Some people might know what I'm talking to, some people might not. If you aren't exactly understanding why I'm so pissed, come talk to me, and I'll tell you.

Now then, apologies are in order for some people.

Firstly, to Lee Cheng and Na'im, I am extremely sorry for not giving you a fair shot in the beginning. At the start of the school year, I will admit I was not exactly happy to have you guys in the marketing group, and didn't expect too much effort. But you have both worked extremely hard, provided invaluable knowledge and experience to the group, and proved me wrong. Without all of this, we would probably have fallen apart from stress. Please accept my sincere apologies for having misjudged you both.

Next, to Eudora Shin. I am sorry for the way I so spectacularly lost my temper on Friday afternoon. I did not understand that you were just cracking a joke, and completely blew up at a small remark. Even though it was a long and trying week, there was still no excuse for losing control like that. As assistant class chair, I'm supposed to be more in control of my temper, and I failed. I am truly sorry.

Finally, to the Gang, sorry for not meeting up with y'all more often. I am more busy than I anticipated this term, but maybe now I can stay in touch better, yeah? I hope you guys understand. Thanks for being such great friends. Brothers For Life!

By the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY WJ! Yes, you big lug, you're finally 18. Time to live it up a bit, no? Welcome to the club!

PS. A big thanks to everyone who made this week such a success. I love y'all for it.

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