Sunday, 25 October 2009

The Golden Boy

Freddie Mercury is a LEGEND! Of course, you already knew that, didn't you?

School's back in session, and the holidays are well and truly over. I may not have accomplished everything I set out to do, but I did manage to do a few things, and I'm happy to be back in the saddle for another term.

The flavor of the month is tea. I've become addicted to a cup of tea in the morning, it really kick-starts my day. I might even give up all my other more fascinating concoctions for it. Then again, maybe I won't. And I like a girl. I hope she likes me. She's not my age. Her smile is beautiful. Every little thing she does is magic. It just makes me want to break out into song sometimes.

The last week or so of holidays has been kind to me. I watched a movie, I played football with some old friends, and I made something incredibly tasty. Best of all, I got to go out with a beautiful girl, I ate ice cream with a great friend, and I went out for a quiet err....meal with two other good friends. Yes, I'm incredibly blessed.

First week of term's been okay. I mean, I kinda expected how the cards would fall, in terms of forming groups for projects. The lectures have been cool so far, except for my CDS. Boy howdy, is that lecturer a boring old fart. Anyway, I'm skipping all his lectures this term, since everything is already in the handbook. Which means Friday is a 2 hour day, ending at 11am! Better yet, Wednesday follows the same format, and I only have an afternoon lecture on Monday. Can I get an AMEN?

But seriously, I need to do better this term. Less sleeping in lectures, less last-minute rushing. Maybe more caffeine. I've got MMP (the online module), PerCom, Photo, J2 Feature, and Socio. I might need to borrow a DSLR, and I definitely need models for my photography tutorials. Yes, I mean you gotta come in as photo subjects. So if anybody wants to volunteer their services, I would like to know. I can't afford to pay you, but I'll probably take you out for dinner after that. I'm not a professional yet, y'know.

Another reason why the first week was bearable: Friday. Dropped in on Jan while she was working, gave her a little surprise. Hope it brightened her day up! She certainly cheered up my dreary afternoon.

Everything seems so much brighter this year. I wish it could go on forever. And my adventure continues...

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