Monday, 7 January 2008

Music Soothes The Savage Beast

My MP3 player has finally given up the ghost. Kicked the bucket. Retired permanently. Hopped the twig. Asleep forever. Died.

Well, that was sad. But realistically, I couldn't expect it to last forever, now, could I? What with the kind of people in my house, gadgets and sources of entertainment are usually goners. If they were alive, all entertainment sources assigned to my house would have to be the tough and hard-as-nails kind of endurance, otherwise they would need to be so fragile that they are irreplaceable.

Good news though, my birthday's on the 25th of January, so I will go down to Audio House tomorrow to check on the prices, and hopefully get a new MP3 player. Could anyone give me an unbiased analysis of the Zune, Zen and iPod, and tell me which I should get? Thanks guys. Goodnight!

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