Wednesday, 2 January 2008

Brand New Day

It's a whole different ballgame now. 2008 has started. A Happy New Year to all my dearest friends and family. In the past few days, my party came and went, and so did the movie marathon night at church. This New Year has left me in a slightly more reflective and lucid mood, if only because I have a cold.

I guess my party could be considered a moderate success. Once calls started coming in the last time about cancellations, I had downgraded my attendance expectations to around 10+ people. At highest count, there were 19 people at the party, not counting my brother and myself. To me, that was a success, even if I had to spend money and time on it. I hope everyone had fun, and I hope that everyone enjoyed the food and company.

The New Year's Day movie marathon was fun, because we didn't stick to the rules. Got to Yishun, and then Xuan Yang, James, Arthur and I went straight for the Lord Of The Rings Room. I don't know, but I think we had a hunch no one was too interested in watching LOTR. After a few arguments, and some negotiations, we finally setup Xuan Yang's computer, and watched Stardust, and Kingdom Of Heaven. Meanwhile, the rooms and corridors outside degenerated into chaos, everyone monkeying around and messing up the place. Ain't that great?

Spent all the rest of New Year's Day asleep, watching movies or playing BF2. Great waste of time, eh? Let's see now, New Year's Resolutions, err, my new year's resolution is to... ah screw it. Let's go with a few optimistic goals instead, shall we?

  1. Ask ♥T♥e♥s♥s♥a♥ out. Yes, I really do love her, but I want to know her feelings about me. If she has different feelings, I will step back or walk away.
  2. Learn guitar. My chord changes are horrible, and I need a focused practice time. Also, be a little bit more open concerning other people's music tastes.
  3. Get into JC. No offense to all the poly people, but I think my style of learning suits JC better. If not, MI, poly, overseas or kill myself (in no particular order).
  4. Get fit. Yep, you heard this from the lazy bugger himself. Get fit.
  5. Keep this blog alive. The last one died a pathetic and miserable death. Once is enough.
  6. For once, not lose my wallet, MP3 player, handphone, water bottles, or anything dear to me. That means I can lose my way or my marbles. Haha, lame joke.
  7. Not waste more than 3 hours daily on the computer. Well, I said these goals were optimistic, right?
  8. Learn to cook a few more dishes. My current repertoire needs updating, I think.
  9. See my guy friends find a girlfriend and girl friends find a boyfriend. Seriously, I believe all the friends I have really deserve someone special. You all have been special to me, the guy who started secondary school as a lonely outsider with no social life whatsoever, as you gave me a sense of belonging. I sincerely thank you. May God Bless You.
  10. Save money. Somehow, I feel as if I have been rather miserly with giving other people treats last year, and so I should save up and bring everyone out more often.
  11. Be nice to my teachers, and for once avoid trying to kill them of exasperation and sheer disgust.
  12. Update my jokes. I think some of them are wearing pretty thin, or are inappropriate at certain times.
  13. Remember ♥T♥e♥s♥s♥a♥'s birthday, and get her a really romantic gift. A diamond necklace good enough? Or should it be silver? Haha, just kidding. But seriously, I Will Remember 10th March, 2008.
Thus ends my optimistic spree. Good night everyone, and here's wishing y'all all the best for 2008!

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