Sunday, 30 March 2008

Freshmen And Freedom. And Fun, Too!

I'm tired. Exhausted. Dead beat. My batteries need a heck load of recharging. I just got back from the most exciting, enlightening, entertaining and exhilarating camp I've ever attended. Oh, did I mention it was tons of fun too? To imagine I almost skipped it, and almost packed up and left in the third hour, scares me. I could have missed out on all the fun!(The really good-looking girls were a very very very welcome bonus too!) FOC 08 ROCKED SOLID YO! KAPPA TAU r0x0rz!!!111!!! TAU HUAY FOREVER!

Please pardon my sudden and inexplicable burst of cheering. I am merely expressing the satisfaction I got out of attending the camp. Allow me, if you will, to make a long post and detail the events that occurred those past few days and nights.

The first day was exactly how most first days in camp are. Long, tiring, boring and somewhat depressing. When I first walked into camp, I didn't exactly have the best impression of it. It looked overcrowded for one, and despite enthusiastic camp leaders running around doing their best to stir us up, we simply weren't stirred. A very nice performance from the school percussion band, but otherwise, the introduction was one hell of a bore. I actually fell asleep five or six times! But that did not beat what I felt when we saw our sleeping areas. A sports hall??? What kind of moronic twit squeezes seven-f***ing-hundred people (teenagers, to boot) into one sports hall? Oh wait, we call that assembly in SA. After that, some attempts at group bonding. I was put in K1, Tau Huay group of Kappa Tau. When I got a look at everyone else, they looked as dead or bored as yours truly. I though: Geez, if camp's gonna be with them, it's gonna be shit. But the girls look cute... Enough of that. Uneventful except for some creepy stories from the GLs and DHs 'til after dinner.

Watched Juno, but didn't finish, as we got dragged out for the night walk. Great time to do that to me. For some reason, I was really pissed when they split us up, so much so that I wanted to give the first dressed up person one heck of a punch. One of those damned horror movie masks, fake knife and no blood. Oh gosh, how scary. A few other somewhat novel scare tactics, but my partner and I somehow kept bumping into the group before us just after they got spooked. I have absolutely no idea how such a thing happened. Honestly! Still, it got better at the end, and I felt like there was much better stuff coming soon. Finished at 2am or so, and slept at around 3. Exhausted, but somewhat excited.


Here comes all the good stuff. Games Day! Cheers Day! Marbles Day! When I woke up, I got this feeling that everyone was starting to get together, and team spirit was slowly flowing into our tired bodies. We followed Melissa Travis and Azhar to our first station games, after learning some cheers. Our first game involved soap, detergent, water and a slide. 'Nuff said.

Other games involved butter, toothpaste, water, clothing, body contact, strategy and other interesting stuff. I will describe the toothpaste game, as it was bloomin' memorable for me. We were supposed to play pass the toothpaste, body part contact, for example nose to ear, tongue to toe, ass to hair, etc. I ended up as the second last player, and was sandwiched between two girls. The girl in front of me drew "mouth", then I drew "mouth". You can imagine how that felt. I was thinking: Wait... mouth to mouth, ain't that like a kiss? Oh shi... Woah, slow down. That girl's a stunner! Lucky me! Woohoo! Now what did Melissa get? She got "cheek". So I get to touch a cute girl's lips and another girl's cheek? Not a bad activity! Then I saw the game-master's hand. The top three cards were all "mouth"! Was he trying to be funny? I don't know. What I do know is that I got a very soft pair of lips touching mine for a microsecond and me getting to give Melissa a peck on the cheek. Very cool. I don't know what will happen if I see the girl again. I might just act on an impulse. She really is a stunner.

At the end of day two, we were all exhausted, dirty, smelly and very happy. I lost my voice after cheering at the top of said voice, but still polished off seven curry puffs and three swiss rolls for supper. What a day!

Campfire Night! Dancing in the dark! Not as tiring as the previous day, but sure as fun. We woke up, did the usual wash and eat, then we practiced some dancing and cheers. Next activity was a water game, waterbombs flying everywhere, everyone getting soaking wet, fun fun fun! However, K1 did not get to be the "bombers", as the game was called off due to too many cases of foul play. Sad, no?

Moving on, we went back to shower, after which we ate and went for our campfire. Principal is cool! Principal is cool! A few clips from various camp leaders, and some promos from the adventure (attention) seekers, as well as the principal's speech, some GL and freshies performances. Kappa seemed to have formed a cheering alliance with Zeta, as we were seated on the same side of the hall. More cheering, then supper!

As we filed back in from supper, we were handed lightsticks and told to find our dance partners, then the lights dimmed. The sounds of Flo Rida belting out "Low" kicked off the mass dance with one helluva bang, and after we finished our choreographed routine, we were free to dance anyhow we wanted. Some of us kept forming gigantic conga lines, but that got boring after a while, so we did the usual break into circles and show off your moves. I managed to dance as well, no small feat given how far away the music played was from my own styles of music. Heck, I had a good time! (Though I did tear the skin off my left leg. Hell, I've seen worse.) We finished our mass dancing, and headed back to our sleeping area for doughnuts. I was given my own box of twelve, but everyone in my group kept nicking them. I only had six! Geez guys, ask before you steal! I was friggin' hungry, y'know!

We got little to no sleep on the last night. It was prank night. Everyone who was not a freshie running around with spray cans, toothpaste, markers, doughnuts, shavers, and all other manner of joke implements. Some of us went over to the girls' side of the hall and stayed there. No, there were no "interesting activities", but we still had a nice time. I managed to cop a few winks, so my thanks to all the girls who acted as my "guardian angels". Aww, ain't that cute? Err, never mind. Moving on!

The last day. Sad, proud, homesick, tired, happy...etc. We watched one or two clips of our time in FOC, and got free bottles of tea. Photos were taken, promises were made to stay in touch, tears were shed, cheers were chanted, you get the picture, eh? The most eye-opening school experience I've ever had. Some of the prettiest ladies I have ever seen. Some of the best days of my life. I thank one and all who were a part of my experience, and I will see you guys around.

Yes, I know that this is longer than an Oscar acceptance speech, but I am more or less done. KAPPA TAU ETA!

Monday, 24 March 2008

Ticket Stub, Bowling Ball or Chopsticks?

It's been a very interesting past few days. My package has been delivered to the leading lady. It's the last time I shall go there, unless she wants me to stay. But now, I will start to drift away. Whatever happens in the future is now in her hands, not mine. I will walk my own line.

I have two days of freedom left, before I have to attend the Freshman Camp. Excited, yes, but also somewhat bored. I've seen too many camps, I guess. I hope something original is in store. Oh, a note to anyone who wants to try ragging. There are several boys from 4S1 coming to camp, so they'd better think twice before they try anything with anyone of us. We were asked to bring an old t-shirt, but all my t-shirts are old and "well-ventilated". Yet another problem to take care of.

Also, I need a haircut. I'm considering a crewcut with a pomp fringe(greaser style, baby!) or a marine H&T. For those not familiar, it's short for high and tight. The Rangers and Marines use it a lot. Or, I could very well go extreme and use the recon H&T, which is skin as well. Cool, eh? For more info, check these websites

What else will I do in two days? Well, I need some new picks for my guitar, as one has gotten lost and the other doesn't feel right. Also, I feel like watching a movie, going bowling, or stuffing my face. And I sure ain't gonna do it alone. Depending on who's free, I shall go out tomorrow, the day after or even both days. Hip Hurray for a carefree life!

Oh, and here's the next video from Celtic Thunder. I will also buy their album if I can find it.

Tuesday, 18 March 2008

P's, Q's and Celtic Thunder

I've been up and about the whole day, (yes, a remarkable change from what I usually do, I know). Went down to Ngee Ann poly, got my bloody fees paid, and got my first laptop. Specs aren't too bad, except for the BLOODY WINDOWS VISTA BUSINESS! Freakin' stupid thing. AND to top it off, I finally have space to stuff my games and the effin' compatibility issues start flooding me. Oh well... still, I installed BFME2, Rugby 06, FIFA 07 and The Sims 2 without a hitch... now for GTA3 and MOHPA, then we'll see what we can do about the stupid lag in-game. Or, my backup is to uninstall Vista and install Windows XP. Brilliant, eh?

Oh, and while youtubing I came across a video by Damian McGinty. Remember him? The cute little boy singing "Puppy Love"? Yeah, he's now in a band called Celtic Thunder. Really great singers. Sharp dressers, too. As you would probably guessed by now, they sing traditional Celtic stuff, and some songs also from the same genius who brought us "Ireland's Call", Phil Coulter. For those who have watched an Irish rugby game, it really is a spectacle to watch the faithful at Croke Park bellow out their anthem with such spirit, especially if they're playing the English. And if you've studied the history of Ireland, it has never had a unified anthem to sing 'til Mr. Coulter came along. Anyways, he fused traditional Gaelic with English to create one of the greatest songs I've ever heard. Allow me to share it. Enjoy.

Thursday, 13 March 2008

A Dream Is A Wish...

Due to a myriad delays and distractions, I have to give Tessa her birthday gift on Friday or Saturday. I pray it does not rain. It would ruin everything, again. I have to get a rose as well... I wonder what color I should get? The classic red rose? The graceful pink rose? The passionate coral rose? Or the beautiful burgundy? I don't know. Suffice to say I have to look at my budget, as I hear roses are dreadfully expensive these days.

Well, a dream really is a wish. I guess my dreams are pretty modest compared to most, but I think that with setting targets I can achieve something. Out of sight, out of mind and all that, eh?

On another note, Congratulations to the Region 3/4 Captain's Ball team for winning the 2008 Youth Championships! (And doing it without any substitutes, and no lunch to boot.) All in all, we scored more than 10 points per match, and restricted our opponents to a paltry 4 points per match! A jolly good showing for a team that never trained together(unlike some other eager beaver teams I could think of), never had much expectations, and were generally seen as either cannon fodder or dark horses. We are the little team that could. The Few. I Salute You!

Let's see, now... my back, shoulders, arms, legs and hip all feel like a throbbing mass of pain, but DAMN! It was worth it!

Monday, 10 March 2008

Far Away - A Special Dedication To Tessa On Her 17th Birthday

This time, this place
Misused, mistakes
Too long, too late
Who was I to make you wait
Just one chance
Just one breath
Just in case there's just one left
'Cause you know,
you know, you know

That I love you
I have loved you all along
And I miss you
Been far away for far too long
I keep dreaming you'll be with me
and you'll never go
Stop breathing if
I don't see you anymore

On my knees, I'll ask
Last chance for one last dance
'Cause with you, I'd withstand
All of hell to hold your hand
I'd give it all
I'd give for us
Give anything but I won't give up
'Cause you know,
you know, you know

That I love you
I have loved you all along
And I miss you
Been far away for far too long
I keep dreaming you'll be with me
and you'll never go
Stop breathing if
I don't see you anymore

So far away
Been far away for far too long
So far away
Been far away for far too long
But you know, you know, you know

I wanted
I wanted you to stay
'Cause I needed
I need to hear you say
That I love you
I have loved you all along
And I forgive you
For being away for far too long
So keep breathing
'Cause I'm not leaving
Hold on to me and, never let me go.

Thursday, 6 March 2008

Someday Out Of The Blue

Some day out of the blue
In a crowded street or a deserted square
I'll turn and I'll see you
As if our love were new
Some day we can start again, some day soon

Here comes the night
Here come the memories
Lost in your arms
Down in the foreign fields
Not so long ago
Seems like eternity
The sweet afternoons
Still capture me

Some day out of the blue
In a crowded street or a deserted square
I'll turn and I'll see you
As if our love were new
Some day we can start again, some day soon

I still believe
I still put faith in us
We had it all and watched it slip away
Where are we now
Not where we want to be
Those hot afternoons
Still follow me

Some day out of the blue
Maybe years from now
Or tomorrow night
I'll turn and I'll see you
As if we always knew
Some day we would live again, some day soon

I still believe
I still put faith in us

I still believe
I still put faith in us

I still believe
I still put faith in us

Here comes the night
Here come the memories
Lost in your arms
Down in the foreign fields
Not so long ago
Seems like eternity
The sweet afternoons
Still capture me

Some day out of the blue
Maybe years from now
Or tomorrow night
I'll turn and I'll see you
As if we always knew
Some day we would live again, some day soon

Some day out of the blue
In a crowded street or a deserted square
I'll turn and I'll see you
As if our love were new
Some day we can start again, some day soon

I still believe
I still put faith in us

I still believe
I still put faith in us

I still believe
I still put faith in us

I still believe
I still put faith in us

Monday, 3 March 2008

Peace In The Living Room

The Cold War is over. The walls have fallen. It took a week, but it happened. A diplomatic breakthrough occurred, sitting in front of a television set watching football. Differences settled, an understanding reached. Not emotional by any standards, but still a resolution. My dad and I have finally made up our differences, and we started by finding a common ground. Football. Manchester United. Both of us are rabid fans, and it was the first common ground rediscovered. Saturday night I flipped on the telly, and was watching a game when he came out of the room to have a coffee. We started talking, and the long and short of it is that we settled the whole argument, he has his son back and I have my father back.

In any case, he has agreed not to wind me up over small issues, and I've agreed not to fly off the handle at small arguments. I have to learn, I guess. Maybe I should stop going into nearly every argument to try and prove something.

7 Days