Tuesday, 27 May 2008

A Confession To Make

I have a small confession to make. Okay, maybe not so small. Alright! A very big one, to me at least. I like someone. I like her very much. I really really like her. I.....hmm, too early to say that. Give it another month or three before I can say that. Bad luck to say that too early. Wait, sod that last comment. You make your own luck. But I gotta keep a hold on myself. Don't rush things. Don't act stupidly. Just hold on for dear life. And shut my trap. Yeah, that'll work(I hope). Here's looking at you, kid.

Oh, a little musing for all my friends as well. For Rahman and Wei Jie, a dream is always alive, as long as there are one or two fools left to dream. For Dino and Kay, JUSTINA!

I've been reassessing my life, and trying to put everything in perspective. I realised that I joined AE for all the wrong reasons, and that I was being foolish in trying to make a weakness and strength. I pray that the Man residing in Heaven sees fit to give me a chance to change course and redeem my foolishness. God help me. Amen.

A talk with my advisory lecturer has gotten things looking up. I told her my whole problem, and she said I seemed to have pretty good reason for a transfer. Add that to my CCA records, and I get very good credentials to make my case.

And according to another friend of mine, people have transferred for lesser reasons. It seems that business is about to pick up. Now, time for some serious work, and a little strategy. Fundamentals of Aerospace Tech is open book, so I will print all the relevant lecture notes and bring my textbook. Haha! A Cunning Plan! More cunning than a fox wot 'as been appointed prof of cunning at Camford University! More on studies to follow, soon.

Now, net on Friday equals potluck equals stuff myself and comment on how everybody else does light dishes. What happened to the pot in potluck, people? Sometimes, you guys really amaze me...

Here's some other less depressing stuff. Flag Football league is starting up soon, a chance for me to tear up the fields, thundering towards the foes! Wonder who should I join...Faugh A Ballagh! Garryowen And Glory!

49th. The 7th 7. What An Achievement! Here's a little spark for the upcoming summer!

Monday, 19 May 2008

A Warm May Holiday

What a day! I'm tanked up on coffee and food, blogging while listening to my music, and ready to rush my e-learning tomorrow, so I can sit in front of the computer, finish my projects, and kick back. I've had much fun, so it will soon be time for the work to begin. Strangely, I can't wait!

Day started off well. A great Monday, what with it being a holiday and all. Woke up on time, and met up with Rahman, Jeremy and Weijie at Bryan's house. Abel came along later. We had some fun mucking around with guitars, a pool table, and cards. Not too much interesting stuff happened, but all of it was fun nonetheless.

The original plan was to muck around at Bryan's, then head off by ourselves, but plans change. We ended up at more or less the same area(Suntec and Marina), so I guess that counts as a slight deviation. We had lunch, and slacked around talking in a Coffee Bean for an hour or so, catching up. I hope we will have more days like this, which are both serious and fun at the same time, where we laugh, and learn even more about each other. My hope is that this whole group will stick together for a long time to come, and never forget one another.

We ended up in Carl's Jr later having drinks and fries. Went home with Jeremy after that. We had a very interesting conversation on the train, about the possibility of forming a band. A very strange one, with a stranger name and a weird musical sense. I bet the critics would love it. The kind of crap on the market these days, i don't think they would mind a "revolutionary, groundbreaking, experimental and eclectic sound". That is to say, the myriad musical influences thrown into a pot and served beasting...err, I meant bursting. No wait, I meant served up with sass, panache and style. Ahh, what the hell am I spewing? A band named "A F*cking Waste Of Time", with a debut album titled "A Steaming Pile of Crap" and a greatest hits collection called "Unbelievable Bullshit Vols 1, 2 and 3" is one heck of a dream, but not half-likely to happen. Too shocking and daring. *Sighs* Well, I guess I'd better stick to less controversial stuff.

Alright, enough of that. I will write more tomorrow, so for now, Adieu, Au Revoir and Goodnight!

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Traveller In A Long-Forgotten Dream

I sometimes drift away into my own recollections. You could say my past is an interesting one. Maybe for some it is very boring. I don't know. To me, it's what I was, and what I am. What I will be is to be seen.

Maybe the key to what lies ahead might still lie buried in bits and pieces of dreams, shattered and rebuilt. Maybe it was one of those broken bits that refused to stick together in a new dream, and ended up discarded to my memories. Life has gone on, and yet it might still remain.

Life has reached a time of decisions and dilemmas. So much is required of me, yet I am unsure of how much I actually have to give. Is my candle burning out? Am I running on empty? Is my heart growing cold? So many questions, no answers. And so little time to find them. Why me? Why now?

Has the world forsaken me? Have you forsaken me? Am I really all alone? Perhaps I am. And the thought frightens me.

Thursday, 8 May 2008

Facing Future...Thinking Ahead

It's been a bumpy journey so far. Both good times and bad times have come along, and I guess I've held my own thus far. But how much longer can I weather my storms? Perhaps it's all about willpower. My lack of it, more like. It seems I'm living on a prayer right now. Whatever the case is, I've found an escape route.

The School Of Film and Media Studies! Or, the School of Business and Accountancy! I've learned I can transfer courses after the semester, depending on results and other factors, including my ability to write a convincing letter of appeal. Anyway, it means that I have to grit my teeth and stick hard and fast 'til August swings by, then perhaps a sweet chariot will come forth to carry me...somewhere other than engineering.

I just realised that I don't have any photos of myself. Hmm, that may be a problem. I need to remember what I look like if I somehow forget what I look like...yeaaaaah, like that's really gonna happen. Ah well, a random thought a day keeps squirrels away!

Today was a very nice day, except for some minor things. I tried paying attention in class, and ended up daydreaming about a world with no color. Show you how vivid my imagination can be, no? Enough about the boring bits, now for a little more fun.

As most people should know, I have joined flag football. It's something like half-contact American Football, I guess that's the best description I can give. Training so far has been tiring, exciting, and rather bruising as well. I went for my first training on Friday, and managed to sprain someone's ankle. And today, I flattened a girl, and kicked another guy. The worst parts? The girl was on my team, and the guy was just trying to get out of my way. Damn, I feel guilty. Well, I did buy the girl a drink to try and make up for flattening her, so I hope there are no hard feelings there! Oh, and to the idiot(s) who smashed me in the groin two or three times, I can't do anything, I guess, but hope that the fleas of a thousand unwashed camels infect your lederhosen. Limped home, realised there was a party on, stuffed my face, ignored all guests, and ended up here, typing at my computer desk.

Oh, I will not be attending the FRESH! Dance Party. For one, my dancing still sucks, and another, I gave my ticket to Carina and Kenny. The pair of lovebirds looked like they needed it more than me! (Just don't tell 'em I said that, betcha they'd effin' murder me!)

Oh, and if I ever get a band, I want to name it Johnny Quicksilver and The Kings. Why? One Word: Queen.

So ends yet another post by me. I should think of a nickname for meself, and start using it to annoy people, along with a motto and/or a catchphrase. Ooh, I Know! Faugh A Ballagh! Anyways, that's all folks, I shall go back to talking about girls in my life some other time. Oh, and i will redo the girls' songs. They seem too few, non? Ah well, C'est La Vie, C'est L'amour!

Thursday, 1 May 2008

A Sunny Afternoon, But Storm Clouds Gather

It's been an excellent day. Food, fun, friends and freedom, all important, all appeared. Was expecting a better turnout for the guys, but I guess we can never all move in sync. Still, good to see familiar faces, and comforting to know we haven't forgotten each other, or become totally different people. The girls who came along were a pleasant surprise, as I didn't think girls were interested in stuffing themselves. Still, they held their own, and I guess we must've done quite a bit of damage to the restaurant stocks. Job well done, guys.

After lunch, we somehow decided to see Iron Man, but it seemed that all theaters were fully booked, or only had lousy seats available. Well, I could've warned you guys that public holidays are lousy for watching movies, but it wouldn't have made any difference. I think it's better to see movies when they are a week or two, maybe even three weeks into their run. Wait for the fuss to die down, then enjoy it in a near-empty, spacious and comfortable theater.

Instead of watching Iron Man, we went to the Coffee Bean opposite SMU to slack and down some drinks. I had yet another one of my sugar/caffeine bombs, much to the disbelief of my friends, who may have thought I was past that sort of thing. NEWSFLASH! I'm still me, yeah?

After a nice time slacking, Rahman and I went to the King Albert Park McDonald's to meet some of his friends. They are quite nice people, and I'm glad he's found friends who have a sense of humor, however weird and wicked it may be. But something more important happened on the
journey to K-A-P.

I had a long conversation with Rahman, which made me realize something I was trying to run away from, and something I dreaded to realize.

I don't like my course one bit, and I am slogging my brains out for nothing. Nothing is sticking, and all the numbers just don't add up. Even four hours of work this morning still didn't help me one jot. Perhaps I really DO need to change course. I must hope and pray for divine intervention. I am losing whatever slim hopes I had of doing well for my common tests. I also learned that I just need a private pilot's license or a student pilot's license to be a commercial pilot, so my main reason for entering this course just evaporated before my eyes. God, I'm discouraged. Please, if there's anyone out there who can help me, I beg you, help me before it's too late. I need to change course to something that's my forte, my strong point. I made the terrible mistake of trying to play to my weaknesses, not my strengths. God, I hope this doesn't turn into another one of those horrible mistakes that my life seems to be a catalogue of.