Thursday, 1 May 2008

A Sunny Afternoon, But Storm Clouds Gather

It's been an excellent day. Food, fun, friends and freedom, all important, all appeared. Was expecting a better turnout for the guys, but I guess we can never all move in sync. Still, good to see familiar faces, and comforting to know we haven't forgotten each other, or become totally different people. The girls who came along were a pleasant surprise, as I didn't think girls were interested in stuffing themselves. Still, they held their own, and I guess we must've done quite a bit of damage to the restaurant stocks. Job well done, guys.

After lunch, we somehow decided to see Iron Man, but it seemed that all theaters were fully booked, or only had lousy seats available. Well, I could've warned you guys that public holidays are lousy for watching movies, but it wouldn't have made any difference. I think it's better to see movies when they are a week or two, maybe even three weeks into their run. Wait for the fuss to die down, then enjoy it in a near-empty, spacious and comfortable theater.

Instead of watching Iron Man, we went to the Coffee Bean opposite SMU to slack and down some drinks. I had yet another one of my sugar/caffeine bombs, much to the disbelief of my friends, who may have thought I was past that sort of thing. NEWSFLASH! I'm still me, yeah?

After a nice time slacking, Rahman and I went to the King Albert Park McDonald's to meet some of his friends. They are quite nice people, and I'm glad he's found friends who have a sense of humor, however weird and wicked it may be. But something more important happened on the
journey to K-A-P.

I had a long conversation with Rahman, which made me realize something I was trying to run away from, and something I dreaded to realize.

I don't like my course one bit, and I am slogging my brains out for nothing. Nothing is sticking, and all the numbers just don't add up. Even four hours of work this morning still didn't help me one jot. Perhaps I really DO need to change course. I must hope and pray for divine intervention. I am losing whatever slim hopes I had of doing well for my common tests. I also learned that I just need a private pilot's license or a student pilot's license to be a commercial pilot, so my main reason for entering this course just evaporated before my eyes. God, I'm discouraged. Please, if there's anyone out there who can help me, I beg you, help me before it's too late. I need to change course to something that's my forte, my strong point. I made the terrible mistake of trying to play to my weaknesses, not my strengths. God, I hope this doesn't turn into another one of those horrible mistakes that my life seems to be a catalogue of.

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