Monday, 19 May 2008

A Warm May Holiday

What a day! I'm tanked up on coffee and food, blogging while listening to my music, and ready to rush my e-learning tomorrow, so I can sit in front of the computer, finish my projects, and kick back. I've had much fun, so it will soon be time for the work to begin. Strangely, I can't wait!

Day started off well. A great Monday, what with it being a holiday and all. Woke up on time, and met up with Rahman, Jeremy and Weijie at Bryan's house. Abel came along later. We had some fun mucking around with guitars, a pool table, and cards. Not too much interesting stuff happened, but all of it was fun nonetheless.

The original plan was to muck around at Bryan's, then head off by ourselves, but plans change. We ended up at more or less the same area(Suntec and Marina), so I guess that counts as a slight deviation. We had lunch, and slacked around talking in a Coffee Bean for an hour or so, catching up. I hope we will have more days like this, which are both serious and fun at the same time, where we laugh, and learn even more about each other. My hope is that this whole group will stick together for a long time to come, and never forget one another.

We ended up in Carl's Jr later having drinks and fries. Went home with Jeremy after that. We had a very interesting conversation on the train, about the possibility of forming a band. A very strange one, with a stranger name and a weird musical sense. I bet the critics would love it. The kind of crap on the market these days, i don't think they would mind a "revolutionary, groundbreaking, experimental and eclectic sound". That is to say, the myriad musical influences thrown into a pot and served beasting...err, I meant bursting. No wait, I meant served up with sass, panache and style. Ahh, what the hell am I spewing? A band named "A F*cking Waste Of Time", with a debut album titled "A Steaming Pile of Crap" and a greatest hits collection called "Unbelievable Bullshit Vols 1, 2 and 3" is one heck of a dream, but not half-likely to happen. Too shocking and daring. *Sighs* Well, I guess I'd better stick to less controversial stuff.

Alright, enough of that. I will write more tomorrow, so for now, Adieu, Au Revoir and Goodnight!

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