Saturday, 5 April 2008

Season In The Sun

I'm radiating heat right now. Full on burning. Sunburn. Ouch.

Went to Sentosa today. First recreational trip in 10 years. Long, isn't it? Anyway, it's story time again! Please not that some of it may be rather exaggerated stuff.

Breakfast. A Whole Whale. A Pint Of Milk. A Pot Of Honey. None of the above. Heh heh, fooled some people, eh? A nondescript breakfast, went down to Compass point to meet Sally and Travis. Ended up going with just Travis to meet the rest of Kappa Tau at Harbourfront MRT. Quite a disappointing turnout, nine people from K1, seven girls and two guys altogether, and Sally was late. I miss William and Samuel's nonsense...Alas, wherefore art thou my pals? Still, it could have been worse. K4 had one GL and one freshman. Travis still wanted breakfast, so K1 followed him to Mc's for a second helping of breakfast.I had my usual $2 sugar rush. Tea and some coffee with many packets of sugar and creamer...I leave it to your imagination to guess. Paid 3 bucks for a monorail to Sentosa.

The place has changed since I was last there. Doesn't feel like a cheap resort anymore, more like a nice and decent place to holiday. The beach seems cleaner. Air smells fresher. Even the water seems clearer. We spent most of the time at the beach, playing games and splashing around in the water. Everybody got wet. I decided to voluntarily throw myself in the water, to avoid getting unceremoniously chucked in. A word of caution to all going to Sentosa... get your own drinks. The stuff there is ridiculously overpriced. Trust me on that one.

After a day of sun, Kappa Tau headed back to VivoCity for some food. Had to go after that, my dad wanted me back for dinner. Video post, one last memory.

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