Monday, 28 April 2008

Forging Ahead...Building Foundations

It's quiet now. Everyone's in bed, all save me. I have a little time to contemplate and reflect, on past, present and future.

Poly life is going swellingly, apart from some minor(or major) setbacks. I found out that I have to struggle through and entire semester of nonsense, before I get to the relevant stuff, stuff that I'm interested in. I wanted to change course, but that thought is unrealistic. Shit, I hate my course(for now). Physics and Maths everywhere, and my course lecturers are not that interesting at all. Okay, fine, they're downright boring. A snooze-fest. Human Valium. 'Nuff said. More updates on how emo about school I've become: Coming soon.

I don't think I will seriously join any CCA in my first year. What I've seen so far of the sports CCAs is hardly impressive. Football was a disaster. The coach is a dickhead. Now, I don't want to insult the Malays, but they are too cliquish. They pass to each other and hog the ball, so no-one else seems to be playing. Also, I'm a goalkeeper, but there are several others ahead of me in the pecking order. I'm the guy who just happens to keep goal. The rest are serious players(school team, club or even national). So, football? No thanks. Rugby? Same old same old. Big forwards, small backs(mostly). Just get a team with big backs, and we'll get steamrolled. So, no thanks as well. DJ auditions went well, but I can't swear on air, or talk nonsense, and I gotta play mainstream music... riiiight, like that's gonna be easy. I might join flag football, or some other sport. And I want to apply for the youth flying club. A pilot's license might come in handy, no?

Now, for a little more cheer and laughter. A Sakae raid is planned for this Thursday, and sms alerts are going out tomorrow. They made the mistake of having a public holiday lunchtime buffet, we take them to school for it. 1130am to 430pm. Showtime!

This Friday was supposed to be Dinner & Dance Night. But both my date and I are unable to attend, so that scuppers things. Yes, I asked someone to be my date. Now, for all those nosy parkers who would dearly love to go after me about my date, I will be factual, so you guys won't bug me too much.

Her name is J♥♥♥♥♥. She was in my FOC group. She is super-enthusiastic, and hyper-charged to boot. Much more supercharged than me on my McDonald's coffee and sugar rush. She is my new definition of beautiful. Yes, I really like her. I think I just might do anything for her. But I guess I will never know too much about her unless she lets me in. That was another reason I wanted to change course. She's in the School of Business and Accountancy. I wanted to switch to Accountancy. Go figure. Well, maybe this time I actually have a chance. Too many missed opportunities, too many wasted moments. Action, not talk. Eye of the Tiger, ain't no stopping halfway. Is my happy end somewhere in this new fairytale I'm weaving? Only time will tell.

26 April. A Brand New Day. My Wish...

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