Thursday, 25 June 2009

Media, Society And A Pig

Right, I need to rewrite my bloody MedSoc letter. Damn it to hell. I hate the bloody thing. I mean, what's the point of writing the letter if it won't make one little bit of difference? Why should I bother? Oh's counted in my grade points. Ah nuts.

Okay, time to multitask. Rewrite letter, and when tired, do the notes. Oh, and drink coffee. So much for deadlines, timelines, datelines, hotlines, storylines and every other kind of line. Yes, even the Siegfried and Maginot lines.

Swine flu. Everyone is up in arms. Panic, chaos and mania. Jeez people, grow a's not like it's the end of the world. Just be careful, that's all. Don't do anything stupid, like traveling to infected countries and breathing the infected air, and then coming back to "give back to the community". I wonder how the pig who started the whole damn mess feels about all this. Did it die and go to piggy heaven? Where it looked upon its ultimate revenge and laughed like crazy? Oh, look at those humans going spare trying to figure my cold out! See how they run! Who's crying wee wee wee now, eh?

Alright, time to get back to work. I'm running outta time.

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