Friday, 23 November 2007

Postcards For A Party

Party's been confirmed for the 29th. I am truly sorry to all those who have to rearrange their schedules, but it can't be helped. Since I still can't confirm everyone, I will be sending out cards to invite everyone. Job search is stagnating, as my relatives still haven't got back to me. Also, I now have A Guitar! Yamato G44, made in Japan. Paid $99 for it. I'm very happy with the whole package, even if I can only play three chords as of now. Let my odyssey towards becoming a guitar hero begin! Rock On!

Alright, enough of that. I shall be visiting the SuperTeens camp next week, and saying hello to some of the guys. Also, I will be practising on my guitar, for about 30 mins each day, till I can play my beloved country and gospel songs. Once again, my thanks to Rahman and Jeremy Ho for accompanying me to get my guitar. Pics will be on my Friendster site, so go there and take a looksie. Goodnight!

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