Sunday, 26 April 2009

Far Gone, More Ahead

I took a few hours on Saturday to look back once again, and remember where I was this time last year. Big difference, and it's very welcome. I must always remember to avoid repeating old mistakes. Bit of a mouthful, but it's true. I can't change my past without a time machine, but I sure as hell can learn from it. So, I thank all those who have walked through the halls of my life, if even for a split second. You've all been part of the learning process, you've taught me something important, and you've kept me sane (well, nearly sane).

CMM rocks! Alright, so there might be a ton of required reading, and challenges like Essential Graphics, but hey, what's life without challenges, eh? Oh, anybody mind giving me a crash course on graphic design and art?

Class outing didn't happen. Oh well, shit happens. It's how you deal with it, that defines you. I choose to be nice about it. Admittedly, it was spontaneously planned, so I shouldn't have expected more than a lukewarm response. Still, I hope we can go out as a class sometime this few weeks. The idea is that if we are a tight-knit unit, we will have no problems working together in different groups for our projects. Also, I'd rather we all start off as friends.

I need to do a few things this week and next. I have a few bills to settle, choose which cover I will use for my laptop, purchase a bokken or two, restring my classical, purchase textbooks, and catch the peninsula plaza shops when they are open. I need one or two more buckles. Other than that, I've got school. Yeah, I'm not as free as I was, but not yet at the busy busy busy kind of juncture. Life's lovely.

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