Thursday, 16 April 2009

First Day Of The Rest Of My Life

Just got back from TP an hour ago. It's been a great day, in many ways. I'm finally back in school, my classmates rock, and my course is looking more and more interesting by the minute!

Got an early start today. Registration and all the minor details are not important. What is important, is the rest of the day. Sure, we started as all freshmen normally do, bored and wondering exactly how it is we got where we were. Still, I think we've all wound up good friends, or at least we will try to make the effort tomorrow, if we didn't today. Props go to Harold and Zul for making the conversations more interesting, Rachel for being such a nice dance partner(and not mentioning the fact that I still have two left feet!), and Jolene for being on the same bus as me, and saving me from a boring trip back home. Oh, and Leonard for being a co-anchor. To the rest of my class, 1CO4, your names will all be up as soon as I can get 'em. Link me, if you happen to stumble across my blog before I ask you. 1CO4 ROCKS!

A note to the wild bunch: All the girls are pretty awesome...nyah nyah. XD

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