Thursday, 29 November 2007

Roadblock, Or Just A Traffic Light?

Bloody 1am, and I'm supposed to be sleeping. Oh well. Here's a recount of Wednesday's events.

Slept until around 10, then got up, and somehow made my way down to Dhoby Ghaut, to go jamming with Rahman, Wei Jie and Jeremy. Those guys seem to forget that I can't play musical instruments yet, just vocals. Plus, to compound matters, we did not know any jamming studios. But we still went all the way to Swee Lee to muck around for a few hours. Rain started pouring down, so we ran through a little storm and got back to City Hall. Sakae Buffet Rocks! The only problems being that it's GST costs are bloody horrible(especially for students) and bloody hidden. Also, they have this problem of not fixing their coms, so we can't always order by computer. There were also these two tables of idiots in front of us in the buffet line. Typical Beng and Lian behaviour. Talk talk talk, swear in dialect, talk about things in a very inward-looking, non-cosmopolitan way, moan and groan about eating and gaining weight in singlish, blahblahblah. Oh BOOHOO. Don't eat if you don't want to. Sheesh. Never mind, we still managed to down close to 75 plates altogether, making it well worth the $60+ spent.

Got home, Maplestory refused to cooperate. I'm sorry Rahman, it wouldn't cooperate even when I told it that it had to collaborate, or be shot. So I played Mechwarrior for a few hours, then listened to Rascal Flatts until my dad complained I was supposed to be asleep. But I have one major piece of bad, or good, news.

Miss T.W. does not want to go watch Enchanted. She's already seen the movie, with some friends if I'm not wrong. But still, how this ends up depends on me, and I've just decided to view it as a traffic light, rather than a roadblock. I will ask her to watch The Golden Compass, and I will ask her tomorrow. That way, I can bring her to the premiers, or something like that. After all, the early bird gets the worm, if at first you don't succeed try try again, and all that. I am 100% certain I will do it. I won't stop trying, of that I'm assured.

Oh, and Happy Birthday Bryan Ng! Thanks for ten years of memories, and here's wishing for many more! Dias Naomh Aindrea! SA_FOREVER!

Friday, 23 November 2007

Postcards For A Party

Party's been confirmed for the 29th. I am truly sorry to all those who have to rearrange their schedules, but it can't be helped. Since I still can't confirm everyone, I will be sending out cards to invite everyone. Job search is stagnating, as my relatives still haven't got back to me. Also, I now have A Guitar! Yamato G44, made in Japan. Paid $99 for it. I'm very happy with the whole package, even if I can only play three chords as of now. Let my odyssey towards becoming a guitar hero begin! Rock On!

Alright, enough of that. I shall be visiting the SuperTeens camp next week, and saying hello to some of the guys. Also, I will be practising on my guitar, for about 30 mins each day, till I can play my beloved country and gospel songs. Once again, my thanks to Rahman and Jeremy Ho for accompanying me to get my guitar. Pics will be on my Friendster site, so go there and take a looksie. Goodnight!

Monday, 19 November 2007

Storm Clouds Gather, And A Sunbeam Shines Through

Two pieces of news, one bad and one that's very cagey. First off, concerning the BBQ. People are starting to cancel on me left, right, centre, up, down, and middle for good measure. Thus, I am seriously considering reorganising the whole BBQ, or moving it to a later date, namely the 22nd or the 29th of December. I know it's a heck near Christmas and Year's End, but it can't be helped. I still want to have a mega bash, and get everyone in for it. Food will also be bountiful, and I don't want any going to waste. Let's see, what else? Oh, now for a sunbeam or two. My job-hunt is picking up steam, and I should be able to get something concrete by the end of next week. I sincerely hope I can get Rahman a job as well. I would enjoy working alongside a comrade, at the very least.

But by far the brightest sunbeam: I have summoned up whatever inner courage I have to ask her out. I have been near for so many years, and yet wasted them all. But now, now is different. There is nothing to distract me, no exams nagging at the back of my head, no job or task screaming for attention. Just one goal, one purpose, one love. Everything else seems to have evaporated into a meaningless whisper in the breeze. It's funny how it hit me right before the exams. Priorities, I mean. Never mind. What I do know is that I love her, it sure ain't no crush. Not this time. Now when I look back, I guess the few relationships I had were never serious, more just a crazy crush, spur-of-the-moment kinda things. Flirting, at best. Yes, I Love Her. I just wish that someday I will have the courage to say that to her.

Dear God, I've seen what you can do,
I've seen you make miracles and hopeless dreams come true.
You made the heavens, the stars and the sea,
So how hard is it to ask if she loves me?

Friday, 16 November 2007

Updates Updates

The river of time rolls ever onward, and I sit by its banks waiting. What for, I don't know...that special something, somewhere, or Someone. I really don't know. But I still wait patiently. Who knows, lightning may strike.

Now then, on to my updates for the BBQ. News is both bad and good. Bad news: Quite a few girls and guys are all UTA(unable to attend). Reasons range from holidays to family get-togethers and so on. But never mind. Good news: The party is confirmed for the 15th. I will personally call, mail or visit everyone and give them directions, so nobody will get lost. Menu will be confirmed soon. Yes, it will be Teens Only. It may have a costume theme. Then again, maybe not. Who knows what the future may hold.

An Updated Guest List


Wei Jie
Sam Stephens
Gawain -T
Xuan Yang -T
Joel -T
Vernon -T
Dave Lee -T
Shaun -T

Lisa Anne
Erica -T
Yong Xian -T
Fatimah -T
Shirlyn -T
Hannah -T

*note: A few others may come along as well. This is flexible. Guys are allowed to bring Girlfriends, and Girls can bring Boyfriends. Just give me a few days notice.

Updates end here. Tomorrow is a busy day, so I must get some rest. Goodnight, and Good Luck to one and all!

Monday, 12 November 2007

The Last Ten Years, And A Dash of Vitriol.

Alright, this day concludes another chapter in my life. Ten years of putting up with the damned Singapore education system. May they all burn in hell. Yes, them, the great collective used for all MOE personnel who have managed to piss me off in any small way I know. But it's been fun. I have so many fond memories of my school, and my friends, who would probably recall me having made this comment: I hate the system, but I love the school. Well, that statement still rings true. Those imbecilic, Machiavellian tyrants sitting away on their golden toilets, the fools who dreamed up such a moronic rote system of learning, can go to F*cking Blazes! I'm sure they will be welcome there, for ruining the lives of so many people. To those significant few, the ones who have really made a difference in my life, you have won my begrudging respect, and even admiration.

Now then, on to my vitriolic rant about the schools I have attended.

The many moronic, stupid, egotistical punks. The loud-mouthed twits running around school thinking you are the damn bloody kings of the school. Yes, all the bengs, gangsters, gangster-wannabes, and 65% of the normal stream. That's in reference to YOU. Oh, and some Sec 5s. Wow, you guys think you are very big and tough and can act like bloody samsengs whenever you want, right? Well, truth be told, you guys are what normal, law-abiding students call the scum of society. The low-classed, half-assed dimwits. We don't care how many packs of cigarettes you smoke daily, how many fights you've gotten into, how much beer you've drunk, how many days you've skipped, etc. etc. What we do realize is that you are driving yourselves into an early, and deserving grave. But today, I thankfully wash my hands of all of you, may you all end up dead in some drain somewhere with a knife or two(million) stuck in your ever-slouching backs, and please invite me to your funerals, where I shall tap dance gleefully on your graves.
To that obese, ignorant, stuttering and horrendously unattractive hippopotamus called Marcus and the rest of the pretentious lot he calls his class and his friends( with a few notable exceptions), may you all go to whatever institute of higher learning you never want to go, and realize ain't nobody gonna spoon-feed you no more. May you all be failures in life. May you all marry monkeys who look like Tristan, or marry gays like Goh mah seng. May you end up in the lowest bowels of hell, like its armpit or its arsehole. I'll laugh. Oh, and Marcus? Your breath STINKS.
The few numbskulled twits of my class that hates my guts, I DON'T GIVE A FLYING F*CK. You crack horrible jokes, mangle the English language every chance you get, and like making even more incredibly stupid jokes out of everything and expecting everyone to laugh. You guys can be a very insensitive, boorish and narcissistic lot, and I feel that's all really gonna help you in the world. I once again wash my hands of you, and hope that you may all drop dead sooner rather than later, thereby ridding this world of a few hyperactive, childish miscreants.
Science A(again, with a few notable exceptions), you miserable petit-bourgeois cretins are all pretentious snobs. You don't have the balls to be counted as men, so don't try and contradict. Lemme guess... too good for this school, eh? Should be in RI or AC, right? F*cking Gits. Your parents were never married. Yes, I'm calling you bastards. Bastards, bastards, bastards. Throw in lousy, no-good, two-bit, pretentious, twerpy, egotistic, vile, stupid, fat-headed, reverse-bowelled, penis-deficient, estrogen-pumped revolting little turds while we're at it. Goodbye and Good Riddance To Bad Rubbish.

Thus ends this epic rant. For all those who I may have offended, please post a comment if you want this deleted. I will obligingly grin, delete your comment, and laugh my arse off. Oh dear, I almost forgot, you can post on your own blogs and insult me to your bleeding, emo-minuscule heart's content. You may even want to angst in a corner about this, or even cut yourself, get slapped by paramedics, nurses, and the doctor on duty, then die of an OD and become an hero. Go on. I Don't Care. You'd be doing us all a favour.

Tuesday, 6 November 2007

Literally Love

Literature exams have ended. Four years of blood, toil, sweat and tears have led me to this final moment. Okay, maybe blood is a bit excessive. But still, this was my first real magnum opus. Today has been the crowning glory in all my years in SA.

To Bryan, Gawain, Eric, Jovi, Rahman, Wei Jie, and all my Lit teachers, I salute you, for whatever you've done for me and given to me. We do have 2 months more together as SAS boys, so let's make them count. Barbecue's at Rahman's on 17th November, so I will be seeing you guys there. To all my friends in church who have kept me in prayer, I thank you. May God Bless You! To all my classmates and teachers, it's been real fun, these four years. See ya Monday!

To The Girl, I Love You. And That's Love, Actually. Here's a song for you.

My Wish

I hope that the days come easy and the moments pass slow,
And each road leads you where you want to go,

And if you're faced with a choice, and you have to choose,

I hope you choose the one that means the most to you.
And if one door opens to another door closed,
I hope you keep on walkin' till you find the window,
If it's cold outside, show the world the warmth of your smile,

But more than anything, more than anything,
My wish for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah this, is my wish.

I hope you never look back, but you never forget,
All the ones who love you, in the place you left,
I hope you always forgive, and you never regret,
And you help somebody every chance you get,
Oh, that you find God's grace, in every mistake,
And you always give more than you take.

But more than anything, yeah, more than anything,
My wish for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah this, is my wish.

My wish for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah this, is my wish.

This is my wish
I hope you know somebody loves you
May all your dreams stay big